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March 23, 2020
We are artists. In some ways, we are sacrificial lambs. We bleed publicly. We can be found dancing naked and crying the necessary tear. We do this so they can name what they have sacrificed. To those without words, we give poetry; those without melody, a song. And to him, that guy, that just can’t
March 11, 2020
How can collaboration serve sustainability as makers/dancers? What makes dance inclusive? How can dance create meaningful connections between performers, and between performers and the audience? How can dance be used to build relationships with change? Rachael Dichter & Dia Dear are Edge Residency
March 3, 2020
I’ve always been a fan of Robbie Sweeny. For years I’ve admired his photographer choreography, his hurried movement and cadence during performances. It takes considerable method and skill to shoot the perfect angle, and to capture the compelling photos that highlight CountrePulse’s Instagram feed. My colleagues and I admire his stylistic editing; together we scroll
February 18, 2020
The book connects the Muscogee sacred history with the land, the spirit world, the confederacy`s sociopolitical organization, and its ceremonial cycle in a carefully researched and well-written single volume. It is an exploration of Muscogee Creek values and views, including concepts of nature, genesis, gender relations, religion, and history. www.books.aisc.ucla.edu/books/sacredpath.aspx I reconnected with a dear
February 5, 2020
On January 25th 2020, Lahore—Pakistan’s self proclaimed ‘cultural capital’—launched its second art biennale in multiple venues throughout this historic city, from 16th century forts and bath houses to contemporary museums and public parks. The theme this year: Between the Sun and the Moon is an ode to Muslim sciences that once thrived here, in particular,
December 24, 2019
Before I came to CounterPulse, I had a dream job that can be roughly defined by this checklist: A supportive space for experimental, anti-institutional art. A critically thinking and politically engaged community. A platform that is both accessible and uplifting of marginalized voices. It feels surreal that I had found a place like CounterPulse
December 11, 2019
People! This is Jesse Hewit. Ya’ll, I’m not gonna beat around the bush: 2019 has been a doozy. It felt like the world was extra on fire. As I reflect on the big and fast and difficult swirl of the past year, I think of just how much I needed CounterPulse. I needed pulsating, breathy, sharp art. I
November 25, 2019
In 2006, I hosted my first audition for Cherie Hill IrieDance performers. I desired an all-black female cast. I yearned to deepen my self-knowledge of being a black woman making dance and to analytically understand how aesthetics relate to white and black culture. In 2014, I looked for something different. I sought movers who could
October 30, 2019
I am no longer afraid of being open, tender a gaping wound _ For those who cannot look a god in the eye Living in the quiet death between breaths _ Take as many names as your mouth can carry _ Take as many names as you need: full with the silent pleasure of your
October 29, 2019
https://vimeo.com/360060093 She-verse embraces tenants of eco-feminism that speak to the parallels between oppression and domination of subordinate groups to the oppression and dominance of nature. How women are treated in misogynistic cultures relates to the abuse and rape of land experienced throughout the history of colonization and to the continued subordination of women and
October 15, 2019
Who here has heard of Singapore? Who here knows where it is? Who here knows anything about it? I concede that answers to these questions might have changed since the popularity of the movie “Crazy Rich Asians”, but by and large, as a Singaporean living in the USA, I usually expect the response to
September 12, 2019
Matchbox Lab #1 with Postcompany<>Sammay is Tues, Sept 17, 2019, 7pm-9pm Free RSVP >>