A Series of Revelations
  • By: Gabriel Christian and Chibueze Crouch

Posted on October 30, 2019

I am no longer afraid

of being open, tender

a gaping wound


For those who cannot look a god in the eye

Living in the quiet death between breaths


Take as many names as your mouth can carry


Take as many names as you need:

full with the silent pleasure of your most intimate offerings

this private joy


voices touch softly

in a pool of your own water

the way a shout becomes prayer


Performing Diaspora 2019 with Artists-in-Residence, Gabriel Christian & Chibueze Crouch, opens Dec 5-7 & 12-14, 2019. Get tickets: counterpulse.org/performingdiaspora2019.

Text by Chibueze Crouch; Photos by Robbie Sweeny

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