
30 Aug, 2012

“Love, despite its toxicity and violence…”

2016-04-07T01:44:35-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Turbulence|Tags: , |

Keith's director's notes for Turbulence.....for now: Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine revealed how many of us have prioritized human rights issues (and identity politics) at the expense of economic injustice and more lasting structural change. I set out, over two years ago, to challenge my own ignorance about financialization, about the roots of economic turbulence, and to sharpen my understanding of extreme wealth disparity. The mythological association of capitalism to democracy to freedom must be troubled, contested, and ultimately destroyed.

24 Aug, 2012

whoa. everything changes. has everything changed?

2016-03-18T22:46:00-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Jesse Hewit, Turbulence|Tags: , , , |

way way way back in APRIL (!!!!!!!!), Emily Leap and I sat down and wrote a letter to the three people who would later be our Portland guest artists for the June Residency and the TBA premiere that's happening in 2 weeks. We wanted to give them some kind of something that would let them start to understand us and get let in on some of the things this project has been doing and thinking about. It's now last August,

24 Aug, 2012

“Turbulent Thoughts” and”The Odd Sensation of Luxury”

2016-04-07T01:44:48-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Turbulence|Tags: , , , , , |

So, in Portland this past June, alot happened. One of our Portland guest artists, Roya Amirsoleymani, who also coordinated the symposium "Bodies, Identities and Alternative Economies" reflects here: Turbulent Thoughts and also, I (Jesse) wrote some...err...colorful reflections about the experiences of being there: The Odd Sensation of Luxury    

24 Aug, 2012

We LOVE Portland…and Angela

2016-04-07T01:46:58-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Turbulence|Tags: , , , |

So SF misses Angela Mattox, yes. But she's doing kick-ass work making PICA (and by extension, the Portland arts community) richer and better. She also has been  in dialogue with us about Turbulence almost since the beginning of it really picking up steam. Here's a little ditty that was an interview in Portland Mothly, about Keith/the project/working with Angela: Can you give me the brief summary of Turbulence? What will it be like from the experience of the audience? And

24 Aug, 2012

Liz and Keith get some work done…

2016-04-07T01:47:12-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Turbulence|Tags: , , |

So...Turbulence has become - among things -  the accumulation of conversations, dreams, arguments, and ideas of not just Keith and the core collaborators, but also those of our friends and colleagues. When folks come to look at what we're making, discourse explodes. We wanted to share some of that with ya'll. Here's a conversation between SF dancer and friend-to-many-of-us, Liz Tenuto, and Keith, right after the December 2011 showings at CounterPULSE: LIZ My biggest question about the piece was whether the

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