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January 4, 2022
Download CounterPulse's Spring 2022 Program Book We've learned so much in the last few years about what is essential about the work of CounterPulse. We know how to adapt, when to let go, when to hang on, and when we might need to try some third or fourth or even fifth option. Thank you for continuing
December 2, 2021
In this blog we'll keep you updated with photos, video, and sound snippets that accompany the development of our piece CATENA that's going to be premiered online on January 13th -- livestreamed from CounterPulse's theater in San Francisco. Learn More about CATENA and Dilate Ensemble here RSVP for the Livestream A NOTE FROM DILATE ENSEMBLE
October 4, 2021
Adapted from a blog posted 10/08/20 on Life As A Modern Dancer In 2018, Jo put out a call for a Black change-maker interested in engaging with a Jewish artist about racial justice and prison abolition. Rahsaan responded. In the more than 3 years we’ve been in collaboration, we’ve written 45 letters, sat down together
September 28, 2021
The SEED residency was a blessing of space and time to create. My artistic partner Jakob and I spent as much time as we could at CounterPulse, long hours in the space, not just for creation and play, but to live and be in the space, to be part of the environment that is CounterPulse
September 2, 2021
Amara Tabor-Smith (she/her/we) is a choreographer/performance maker and the artistic director of Deep Waters Dance Theater. On Tuesday September 14th as part of the CounterPulse Festival 2021, we will be hosting Embodied Divination, a movement-based workshop where participants are invited to “contemplate their body as oracle, as compass, and a site for social repair”. Limited
September 2, 2021
At the CounterPulse Festival this September, The Performance Primers will be hosting a virtual panel discussion and mixer titled "Queeratorial Collectives Do It Themselves". This conversation will explore how working on a grassroots level outside conventional venues and capitalist values opens up new possibilities and invites deeper engagement among audiences and artists. Ahead of this
September 1, 2021
With the CounterPulse Festival 2021 just one week away, we are so excited to be opening our doors to the public once again!CounterPulse exists, above all, to make space for people to gather and to be united in collective experiences. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged us to change and shift the ways we bring people together,
July 14, 2021
While at CounterPulse I first felt out the space and listened to mentor Joanna Haigood and used the first moments to get into my body and meditate on how I wanted to utilize it as a tool to begin telling these stories which I am still learning but that also live within me. I did
March 23, 2021
Leaked Email Thread:Justin Ebrahemi <justin@counterpulse.org>Mon, Mar 15, 3:07 PMto Mica Sigourney, Silk Worm Hi Mica and Silk, I loved the Insta takeover on Sat! I just wanted to follow up in hopes you could provide more info on Colossus and I will draft a work description and press release. Can’t believe we’re a month away!
November 16, 2020
“Primeiro estranha-se, depois entranha-se” (At first it’s strange, then it gets into your veins) - Fernando Pessoa I am part of the Human/ID team, a collaboration with StratoFyzika and Ian Heisters that probes how identity is rendered legible (or illegible) through movement and technology. Tagging onto the notion of digital flaws and their rich potential
August 31, 2020
Deep fake dancing and breaking technology I’ve been talking with the StratoFyzika team about how identity resides in the body for their residency in CounterPulse’s Combustible program. We’re researching surveillance technology, machine learning, and dance for a performance in spring 2020. The research is conceptual as well as practical, and the following comprises my notes in building a first