• June 20, 2010

    By Published On: June 20th, 2010

    I wish I could say that I came to it on my own, but I didn't. Yesterday's work-in-progress showing was very important for the development of this work. And I'm feeling pretty emotional about it right this second. The question/"issue"/conflict of me as a male auteur, making this work very much ON the women of

  • June 18, 2010

    By Published On: June 18th, 2010

    Independent Arts & Media SHOUTout & Benefit!

  • June 14, 2010

    By Published On: June 14th, 2010

    This fall, CounterPULSE will collaborate with the California Institute for Integral Studies and the Alliance of California Traditional Arts to host a visual arts exhibit in conjunction with our Performing Diaspora programming.  Here is the call for submissions/nominations: The ARTS at CIIS is seeking submissions by, and/or suggestions/nominations of, California-based artists who are challenging, expanding

  • June 10, 2010

    By Published On: June 10th, 2010

    Two weeks ago myself and a gaggle of my tremendously talented artist friends put on a show at my house. I showed a very rough sketch of some of the ideas we are working on for Hot Wings, and the always generous and lovely Mark Mc Beth filmed it. so here's a peek at some

  • June 2, 2010

    By Published On: June 2nd, 2010

    Dear Friends, Welcome to my new website! Big thanks to the talented (and patient) Yann Novak for his elegant design. And many thanks to everyone who made all of this work possible, especially Loren Robertson and her video skills, and my talented (and very patient) husband, Marc. Enjoy. Here's my news: Singular Sensation Still musing

  • May 31, 2010

    By Published On: May 31st, 2010

    When I was an undergraduate in North Carolina, I would often decide to drive home to Louisiana late at night. Around ten or  eleven pm I'd decide that now was as good a time as any to make the 12 hour southbound drive .  My car only had a radio, and the late night interstate

  • May 27, 2010

    By Published On: May 27th, 2010

    Today is May 27th, 2010...that never gets old. So, Tell Them That You Saw Me (which I'm realizing is kind of a very Miranda July-esque title...funny how subconscious influences work on us) is being built.  Julie, Maryam, Loren, Shawnrey, and Anna are all pretty much on fire. I'm learning not to fixate so much on

  • May 21, 2010

    By Published On: May 21st, 2010

    We were proud to hear that CounterPULSE Performing Diaspora artist Wang Fei is presenting a finished version of her 2009 Performing Diaspora Festival piece "From Beijing to San Francisco" as a part of the San Francisco International Arts Festival. Congratulations to her and she has offered followers of CounterPULSE a special discount. Her words and

  • May 10, 2010

    By Published On: May 10th, 2010

    Readymade Dance Theater Company's new piece was inspired by Don Delillo’s 2001 novel, The Body Artist. Director Zsolt Palcza listened it to by audiotape—a great one read by Laurie Anderson—while driving to Mexico one year. Her voice is mesmerizing; it puts one into a trancelike state, much like the 300 miles of carretera between Nogales

  • May 10, 2010

    By Published On: May 10th, 2010

    Dancers' Group and CounterPULSE have teamed up to present 2nd Sundays, a series of free salons where artists share work and dialogue with audience members and fellow artists. The Program: The upcoming proposal deadline is for the Fall season, which runs from September through December. Selected artists each present up to 10 minutes of work

  • May 7, 2010

    By Published On: May 7th, 2010

    Greetings folks! CounterPULSE's fiscal sponsorship program has two enrollment periods a year. We are coming up on the first deadline of 2010 on May 29. To read more about the program and to download application materials visit the fiscal sponsorship page on our site.

  • May 5, 2010

    By Published On: May 5th, 2010

    Here's the text from Michael Gene Sullivan's fantastic tribute to International Workers Day, performed last Friday at CounterPULSE's Agitprop Cabaret: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-gene-sullivan/international-workers-day_b_551427.html