
12 Feb, 2009

Lost Landscapes III: Film Fragments of San Francisco

2009-02-12T06:12:41-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

So I was a bad boy tonight.  I was supposed to go home and do work.  I was supposed to go home and finish a grant proposal so my boss can proof it tomorrow (sorry if you're reading this JR).  But I thought it would be much more worth my while to attend the weekly TALKS! hosted by Shaping San Francisco.  And it kind of was. Ever since I was hired at CounterPULSE last June I've been promising myself to

4 Feb, 2009

Who is the alien? Some ramblings during the making of ANIMoid.

2009-02-04T09:06:09-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , |

Ever since I was a kid I’ve loved science fiction. My mom used to write novels and stories herself. She introduced me to the great sci fi writers and I’ve been hooked ever since - not so much to the hard science, but to the question, “what if...?” I’ve especially loved the women writers like Ursula Le Guin, Joanna Russ and Doris Lessing who address social issues by imagining alien cultures on other planets with vastly different bodies, histories and

4 Feb, 2009

Leslie Seiters’ Incidental Fear of Numbers

2009-02-04T05:00:07-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

I want to start by admitting that I am indeed the Theater Manager at CounterPULSE and no I was not prodded to post this. But being in that position allows me a sometimes rare opportunity to see the progression of the shows and the space from one week to the next and it continues to amaze me how versatile our environment can be. I want to applaud Leslie Seiters and the Little Known Dance Co. for stretching their imaginations and

30 Jan, 2009

A new season of 2nd Sundays begins February 8

2009-01-30T21:23:09-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

2nd Sundays A Monthly Salon with CounterPULSE and Dancers’ Group Sunday February 8, 2pm Free at CounterPULSE 1310 Mission St. @ 9th San Francisco This monthly salon offers emerging & established choreographers an opportunity to show their work & receive feedback from other artists, community members, and presenters. Please join us for an afternoon of stimulating performance and discussion! This month’s salon features the work of Corpi Liquidi Deep Waters Dance Theater Folawole Oyinola Sally E. Dean corpi liquidi dance

24 Jan, 2009

What’s Cookin’ So far……

2016-03-18T22:37:24-07:00By |Categories: Amara Tabor Smith, Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Homepage Links|Tags: , , , , |

My company Deep Waters Dance Theater is in the process of making this piece we are calling, "...our daily bread". We are exploring the ways that food shapes our cultural identities, how we all have food stories and folklore that ties who we are to the food we eat. We are also looking at how our disconnection from our food sources is impacting our health and environment. So, we are in the process of finding ways to bring these stories

23 Jan, 2009

Some reflections, midway through the ANIMoid adventure.

2009-01-23T22:02:30-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Homepage Links|Tags: , , , , , , |

by Katarina Eriksson (Winter Artist in Residence in collaboration with Cathie Caraker) One of the breeding grounds for this project is the subtext of two aliens who have come to earth and inhabited human bodies. I do think of it as a dance piece (as opposed to a dance theater piece), where the human body with all its fascinating functions is the protagonist. The alien idea seems to provide us with pretty much endless inspiration, and it works as a

19 Jan, 2009

Jess Curtis/Gravity – Big Benefit Bash

2009-01-19T19:53:27-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Homepage Links|Tags: , , , , , , |

Jess/Curtis Gravity presents a Big Benefit Performance Bash OLD SCHOOL/NEW RULES at CounterPULSE Saturday January 24,  8pm • A multi-generational roster of all-stars from San Francisco and beyond come out to support Jess Curtis/Gravity’s upcoming 2009 San Francisco Season and you’re invited. Art, Party and Delectable Tidbits of Dance, Improvisation and Body-based Performance from Sara Shelton Mann, Jess Curtis, Keith Hennessy, Scott Wells, Twincest, Praba Pilar and John Jasperse (NY). Don’t miss this rare chance to catch three

18 Dec, 2008

Surviving the Economic Meltdown: DANGER or OPPORTUNITY?

2008-12-18T20:52:09-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Homepage Links, Talks|Tags: , |

Thank you to all who attended the discussion last night!  It was very thought provoking and one of the best Shaping San Francisco talks that I have attended. I grew up in Seattle, WA and was raised with the idea that money is equal to life energy and time and that it is important to spend less and wisely unless I wished to be constantly on the job and enslaved to a salary.  My parents practiced frugality and participated in

22 Nov, 2008

Map of the Mango Planet: Part II. The North Pole

2008-11-22T17:24:20-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

MAP OF THE MANGO PLANET   PART II. THE NORTH POLE  Saturday November 22, 2008  8p.m. Performance                              North is an established position and direction relative to another location on the Mango planet and within its systems, countries, states, bodies, not dependent upon changes made within those other locations.  However, if everything turned upside down or inside out, North would not be north.   On the mango planet, everything is backwards, inside out in its relation to planet earth.

15 Oct, 2008

Songs About Global Warming

2008-10-15T22:36:30-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Events|Tags: |

My HOT Lobotomy (a multi-media theatrical EVENT opening this Friday here at CounterPULSE!) was created as a collaborative effort - not only between creator/director David Szlasa, his creative team (including Sara Shelton Mann, James Clotfelter, Calvin LL Jones & Katrina Rodabaugh), and his star performers Erin Mei-Ling Stuart and Spencer Evans - but also involving the creative input of songwriters from near and far who answered the call for new songs on the general topic of global warming.

11 Oct, 2008

Sara Kraft: HyperREAL

2008-10-11T06:28:29-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Events|Tags: |

So I came away from this stimulated and grateful, to have an experience in performance art where I was thinking afterwards and where i could sense the amount of thought and energy the artist had put into it.  It was accessible but not expected.... and my neurons were firing connections so i thought i'd start a thread to keep the post show discussion goooooing. as i am thinking to write my response to sara kraft's hyperreal, i sneak onto facebook

8 Sep, 2008

Dhoom Dhamaka!

2008-09-08T05:48:50-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Today I discussed with my filmmaker collaborator different ideas for video clips. One would think only 4 days before opening night everything would be done; but the video is the last aspect of the show to come together. I am asking myself: how much do I rely on the video to tell the same story as the choreography and where is it telling a different story? I’m working on how to thematically tie everything together in my piece, now focusing

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