
30 Dec, 2013

Writings from the CONTACT project ensemble

2016-03-12T02:01:42-08:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Krista Denio|Tags: , , , , , , |

We're in rehearsal and things are getting interesting... We ask ourselves many questions, to get to the essence of what is meaningful to us, what gives our lives meaning, what we would fight for, what home means to us...who we are... We answer to our own surprise, sometimes; we answer in predictable ways other times; we share out loud sometimes; we keep it to ourselves others; we build trust; we share some....we share some more....we build From the ensemble... What

3 Jan, 2010

CIRF New Year’s Contact Improvisation Intensive 2010

2010-01-03T20:55:12-08:00By |Categories: Events|Tags: , , , , , |

CIRF New Year’s Contact Improvisation Intensive 2010 Research Into Scores with Brenton Cheng and Jennifer Chien Friday-Sunday, January 1-3, 2010 / Fri 7-10pm, Sat & Sun 10am-6pm Rejuvenate and re-inspire your dancing body in the New Year with renowned performers, Jennifer Chien and Brenton Cheng. This 3-day Intermediate Level intensive will focus on shifting physical states, deepening into sensation, and refining both solo and ensemble awareness. Explore scores as frameworks for dancing and witnessing, build structures to play in and

9 Mar, 2009

ANIMoid: the final week

2009-03-09T08:52:18-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , |

Chop wood, carry water, tape chairs and oh yes perform... 3/3 Night before the dress rehearsal. It's 11 pm and I'm still on on the sidewalk spray-painting my beautiful Mission-style dining room chairs a metallic silver, after spending way too many hours with Katarina covering their endless slats with gaffer's tape. Back aching, head thick from breathing paint fumes. It starts to rain again, creating splotches all over the wet paint. Someone from the contact jam comes outside, yells at

4 Mar, 2009

Conclusion: Whatever!

2009-03-04T01:32:20-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , |

It is only a few days left to the opening of ANIMoid, the piece that Cathie Caraker and I have been working with for some time now. We think of it as a post-modern dance laboratory. The research we are performing in that laboratory started with the question: What might happen if two aliens came to earth and inhabited human bodies? In our work we take inspiration from things such as developmental movement patterns, perception and body systems, and use

4 Feb, 2009

Who is the alien? Some ramblings during the making of ANIMoid.

2009-02-04T09:06:09-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , |

Ever since I was a kid I’ve loved science fiction. My mom used to write novels and stories herself. She introduced me to the great sci fi writers and I’ve been hooked ever since - not so much to the hard science, but to the question, “what if...?” I’ve especially loved the women writers like Ursula Le Guin, Joanna Russ and Doris Lessing who address social issues by imagining alien cultures on other planets with vastly different bodies, histories and

23 Jan, 2009

Some reflections, midway through the ANIMoid adventure.

2009-01-23T22:02:30-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Homepage Links|Tags: , , , , , , |

by Katarina Eriksson (Winter Artist in Residence in collaboration with Cathie Caraker) One of the breeding grounds for this project is the subtext of two aliens who have come to earth and inhabited human bodies. I do think of it as a dance piece (as opposed to a dance theater piece), where the human body with all its fascinating functions is the protagonist. The alien idea seems to provide us with pretty much endless inspiration, and it works as a

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