
22 Aug, 2012

Boot Scootin’ Boogie

2016-04-07T01:30:04-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|

(blog by Laura) Hey Y'all!!!! I’m learnin’ the Boot Scootin' Boogie on my computer. I knew this dance once. I mean, I’m pretty sure I did. but i aint done it in a coon's age. Thankfully this lady on the computer made herself a youtube video. She made sure to wear a cowboy hat, high-heeled boots, and tight-as-hell, flared Levi's. She says, “People in the country call this a ‘Hitch Kick.’" But Lady, I can think of three other dance forms that

21 Aug, 2012

a slice of ‘on the road’ please

2016-04-07T01:30:11-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|

Gemma and I are back from our American roadtrip. Well actually we got back yesterday but having arrived late in the evening after 12 hours driving we stopped in 'The Pizza Joint' in San Francisco and ordered a slice of 'on the road' pizza (that's actually what it was called). Whilst eating our slice someone stole my wallet. So I've spent all today on the phone trying to sort myself out instead of working on this project. But despite having

18 Aug, 2012

Without Content

2016-04-07T01:30:19-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|

Right now, I am about to go outside without an identity. Emptying out all that I have, and letting everything else tell me who I am and  where I am going. I will wear this hand sewn 'Blank Suit'  

18 Aug, 2012

blog on blog action

2016-04-07T01:30:29-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|

I am quite impressed with these posts and wanted to add something simple: Perhaps it goes without saying, but all of the photos and words are mine. This has been the easiest way for me to organize some of my thoughts on this experience with Action Hero thus far, which I am describing as aesthetically polyamorous. I have a second camera that I am working on as well and will repost the link when it is updated. Fun Stuff. Admittedly, I am getting

16 Aug, 2012

Diving In

2016-04-07T01:30:46-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|

So our week “away” from each other begins. We’ve all set out with tasks we aim to focus on in a big way. James encouraged us to “go outside our comfort zone, be ambitious, challenge ourselves.” I had a few ideas scrawled down, but the one that seemed to get the most traction with the group was to take an album by Bruce Springsteen, and each day try to live out the lyrics to a different song. I didn’t think

16 Aug, 2012


2016-04-07T01:30:52-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|

Yesterday evening we went to a karaoke bar with the intention of each of us performing 'Stand By Me' by Tammy Wynette. When we got there however we changed our minds and staged our own individual interventions into the Karaoke format. These included: Andrea singing Bruce Springsteen Richie singing a song about a car whilst running non-stop throughout All the women in the group singing 'Stand By Me' by Tammy Wynette Laura and Elizabeth playing inflatable electric guitars for someone

13 Aug, 2012


2016-04-07T01:31:42-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|

Since I'd been putting off washing my truck for about 4 years and had it with me yesterday, I decided my American activity would be to go get it washed. The car wash ended up being in one of those "one-stop-shopping" sorta places, so I figured the most American thing I could do is spend as much money in one place on as much crap as possible. Incidentally, the car wash was called "Winner's Finish" and the wash I got,

12 Aug, 2012

Notes from day 1 and 2

2016-04-07T01:32:04-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|

So we've done 2 days together. 10 hours in total. On day one we talked, a lot. We spoke about America, how we felt about it, what it was, where it was, what other people thought it was. Here's some notes we made:   Then we made a list of tasks we might do over the coming days- ideas for actions, places to visit, things to write, conversations to have   We talked about bringing daily gifts to the group;

10 Aug, 2012

We Heart Cars

2016-04-07T01:32:10-07:00By |Categories: Action Hero, CounterPULSE|Tags: , , |

Something I know, but don't think about until reading/watching something like this, is our ridiculous obsession with cars in this country. We love our cars. We name our cars. We sweet talk our cars. My mom would pat the dashboard of our ailing Dodge van as it struggled up a hill and say "Come on Bessy. You can do it." And who could forget our favorite carmance: between Kitt and David Hasselhoff in "Knight Rider." (Gosh. I almost got

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