• May 3, 2008

    By Published On: May 3rd, 2008

    WCCIF Teachers Show & Pre-Registration Jam A Taste of Contact Improvisation for National Dance Week Sun. May 4, 8pm Free This features performances by West Coast Contact Improvisation Festival teachers. See great pieces, take a CI mini-lesson, and find out about scholarship and work exchange opportunities for the upcoming festival. Learn more about this dance

  • May 3, 2008

    By Published On: May 3rd, 2008

    Wednesday, April 30, 7:30pm, Free Local rarity in the Franciscan bioregion: Who cares? Charismatic butterflies, delicate lilies, and Still Wild at Heart, a film about nature & wildlife in the city. With Liam O'Brien, Margo Bors and Melissa Peabody

  • April 27, 2008

    By Published On: April 27th, 2008

    Sun, April 27, 8pmMany of the Bay Area’s most exciting performing artists gather to celebrate CounterPULSE’s third birthday. Featuring Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Scott Wells & Dancers, AXIS Dance Company, Robert Moses' Kin, Shinichi Iova-Koga, Joe Goode Performance Group, Jess Curtis/Gravity, and Joanna Haigood/ Zaccho Dance Theatre; plus food, beverages, and a silent auction to benefit CounterPULSE.

  • April 24, 2008

    By Published On: April 24th, 2008

    Dear Friends, Welcome to our new weblog -- an online catalyst for art and action, and archive! If you know CounterPULSE, and chances are you do because you've found our blog, you are well aware that we're a unique space. This blog is no different. Whether it's in our theater, or on your computer screen,

  • April 16, 2008

    By Published On: April 16th, 2008

    Cid Pearlman, Liam Clancy, casebolt and smith California Touring Project Fri.–Sat. April 25-26, 8pm $12-20 Cid Pearlman (Santa Cruz), Liam Clancy (San Diego), Liz Casebolt and Joel Smith (Los Angeles) present a collection of dances that navigate the slippery nature of meaning and gleefully fracture expectations of gender, friendship, and collaboration. “It’s a rare joy

  • April 9, 2008

    By Published On: April 9th, 2008

    Wed, April 9, 7:30 pm Come and help celebrate NOWTOPIA, a new book by CounterPULSE's own Chris Carlsson, host of Wednesday Talks and director of Shaping San Francisco. Chris will read from the book, introduce some special guests who are profiled in Nowtopia, and hold a discussion about the book's look at a vital new

  • April 6, 2008

    By Published On: April 6th, 2008

    Dreamboat, Where Are You? is a punk pop duo that combines short and sweet songs with choreographed vaudevillian antics to make their own brand of musical entertainment. Co-captained by Carrie Baum (guitar) and Jessica Fudim (drums), Dreamboat, Where Are You? has been described as "The Buzzcocks meet The Muppets", "Magnetic Fields with kicks and twirls"

  • April 4, 2008

    By Published On: April 4th, 2008

    Subject to Change Performance Group Video and music for "Study:2013" by Subject to Change Performance Group, collaborative performance of dance, video, music, and poetry. Performed at ODC and CounterPulse in San Francisco. Video directed by Nao Nakazawa, music by Dillon Westbrook.
  • April 4, 2008

    By Published On: April 4th, 2008

    DANCE MONKS is an internationally traveled company based in the Bay Area. This is an excerpt from two works: GREEN: A Force of Nature and Postcards of Mexico performed at CounterPULSE, San Francisco. www.dancemonks.com
  • April 4, 2008

    By Published On: April 4th, 2008

    rupa and the april fishes entrance at an intimate performance at counterPULSE in san francisco. with special guest marcus shelby on bass, rupa debuted a new song.. . trouble !

  • April 4, 2008

    By Published On: April 4th, 2008

    counterPULSE performance with Philip Gelb and Benjamin Jarrett on October 14, 2007

  • April 4, 2008

    By Published On: April 4th, 2008

    Excerpt of a work-in-progress by Allison Wyper, with Eric Kerr. CounterPULSE, San Francisco, 11/12/2007. Field SF workshop. www.blackstoneensemble.com