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August 16, 2010
A Choreographical Investigation I am currently deep in the process of creating the piece to be performed in October. As I do this, I think about what my intentions are, what I want to convey, and what I use to embody (a good word for a choreographer) those intentions. Intentions exist on the level of
August 10, 2010
100807 Jesse Hewit / Laura Arrington Strong Behavior Post Show Panel from In Studio on Vimeo.
August 8, 2010
[Custom Object] lip-sync//dance by Ambrose Trataris aka DestroyHerr & Digital Milk: Metaphase 0 by Driven Arts Collective. September 7-9 & 14-16, 2023 // 80 Turk St, SF SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- CounterPulse’s 2023 ARC Combustible program presents [Custom Object] lip-sync//dance by Ambrose Trataris aka DestroyHerr and Digital Milk: Metaphase 0 by Driven Arts Collective.
August 6, 2010
100805 Jesse Hewit / Laura Arrington Strong Behavior Post Show Panel from In Studio on Vimeo.
August 5, 2010
last post. i am scared to ever self present again. CounterPULSE has spoiled me absolutely rotten. Jessica, Andrew, Hae-Jin, Estacia, Ryan, Julie, Roz, Margarita, Meleta, and Cameron...my lord, what solid supporters. I am calm. The performers of 'Tell Them That You Saw Me' are holding this work with fire and commitment. Long live the sextet:
August 5, 2010
Mark McBeth(unsung hero of the performance art scene) made these videos of Jesse and myself. perhaps my favorite thing about these videos is how they provide a sweet little document of the friendship between jesse and myself.... this process has been so many things. i've learned so much, felt so much, experienced so much, but
July 28, 2010
Dear Friends, I am so very pleased to announce that my solo show Faux Real with Fauxnique is running in London! We play two dates as part of the Hot August Fringe Festival at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern August 16 & 20. If you are in London or know people who are, send them to
July 24, 2010
Out of Work: Artists Respond to the Economy. Sat. July 31 Question: When is it appropriate to dress in skin-tight sequins, burn plastic idols, question gravity, bake calorie-free pies, and rally strangers in group hugs? Answer: When you are unemployed. So we're kidding, well, at least about the burning of plastic idols, but Saturday July
July 15, 2010
Watch Jesse and Laura engage with their new works. Get a peek at the new dance theater pieces to debut in August at CounterPULSE! Meet Jesse Meet Laura Buy tickets Learn more about the Artist Residence Commissioning program
June 21, 2010
Your tax-deductible gift will directly support affordable space and professional resources for thousands of artists and arts lovers, and help fund our Neighborhood Arts Program, TenderArts. Your support secures a place for community-based art and culture in the heart of San Francisco. DONATE NOW https://youtu.be/kaJ74TRc7go