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January 3, 2011
When I think about my understanding of what it meant to be gay when I was 16, a handful of images come to mind. Walking down Stockton Avenue and trying to sneak a quick look into the old Renegades Bar when the door would swing open. I could never really see in, but stories unfolded
December 5, 2010
When I was seven, I wanted to be a superhero. By the time I was 14, I had moved on to Broadway Star or Professional Nerd, but I still created stories of myself as a superhero as I walked home from school. The stories shifted, but in the end I always saved the day through
December 3, 2010
I am honored to be part of a magnificent and eclectic line-up this Monday, November 29th at in the Movement Research Festival at Judson Church. If you are in New York, please join me for this exciting evening. More info is below. MOVEMENT RESEARCH FESTIVAL FALL 2010: TRULY MADLY DEEPLY November 29 - December 4,
December 1, 2010
Today is the first day of my very first CounterPULSE ARC residency. I'm excited and scared by what lies ahead. I'll be working with my Dandelion Dancetheater interdisciplinary ensemble on the next stage of a multi-year project exploring the ins and outs of competition. We began with a vision for creating a Reality TV program
November 21, 2010
And which part of yourself will you continue to give to the shiny people that fill themselves up with your light? Which will you keep to make a torch and chase the hollow away? I haven't come to this world to leave as a flicker. I learned very young that the dark was my friend.
November 20, 2010
Things were ripping today. Breaking, popping, pushing and tearing. On grey days I can't tell whether I'm going to sleep or waking up. Guy says, " People can lose their souls trying to stand up and get noticed by the world." I say, " I don't want to become one of them. My soul is
November 11, 2010
In the making of a man, each is given what she can handle. That which breaks you will not break me and vice versa. I’ve been allowed to live as I truly am ... part selfish and free, part bound by generosity to a fault …I am a prayer. A moray pattern forced out by whips,
November 2, 2010
On Saturday, October 30th, the cast of Adia Tamar Whitaker's "Ampey!" took to the streets of San Francisco in full costume and makeup for a fundraising Animation. "Ampey!" premieres at CounterPULSE on Thursday, November 11th. Even if you weren't fortunate enough to see the cast in San Francisco, you can still pledge your support for
November 2, 2010
Almost all of our Counterpulse fliers are gone! It’s time to start getting those tickets yall! For the past two months the cast of “Ampey!” and family have been doing short vocal performances on the streets of San Francisco and Oakland to promote our Kickstarter page and our upcoming shows. We call them “Animations”. I learned about
October 31, 2010
Step #1: Identify everything I need to get and need help preparing for the show. Performance Notes for “Family”: Rashidi will bring the blue bucket over to Stephanie’s seller station after he’s finished with his text. Need to get another chair spray painted turquoise. Stephanie’s Tailoring Needs Freedom: The extra ruffle needs to be attached