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March 31, 2011
Dear Friends. Spring is finally here, and with it a lot of new and exciting projects to share. I see visons of goddesses, gardens, faerie stories and flowergories... Join me at noon this Friday, April 1, at City Hall as I premiere a brand new, work in Dancers' Group's Rotunda Dance Series. With a costume
March 31, 2011
My current favorite definition of the word "dance" is: "Impermanence made visible." That seems to cover the immensity and the minutia of this slippery form. I'm particularly in touch with impermanence as Dandelion moves into our premiere of Friend tonight. It strikes me as odd how performance is what I pour my most extreme efforts
March 30, 2011
I've come to love tech week--the week leading up to a performance run in which we have tech (technical) rehearsals, dress rehearsals and last minute scramblings to finish. I notice that during this time I am highly energized with a mix of anxiety, anticipation and joy. And I notice that the main thing that keeps
March 29, 2011
I’ve never felt I fit in with what I believed was THE gay community, a culture that seemed to be marked by an ease and openness around sex that I did not possess. I've always felt a tension between the family-oriented grown-up part of me and this coy inner-child navigating an overtly sexual community. Over
March 29, 2011
The showings that Dandelion has been doing as part of our residency at CounterPULSE have taught me a lot. Here's an incomplete list of insights, reminders, clarifying moments that I've gathered so far from the three monthly public showings of our Friend project: 1. Public showings are crucial to the development of the kind of
March 27, 2011
For Dance Anywhere Day this year we performed a minimalist movement structure in Frank Ogawa Plaza in downtown Oakland. Ensemble Member David Ryther led us in an improvised piece based on a street performer he had witnessed many times in Santa Cruz. We traveled slowly around the plaza, waving and looking back and forth with
March 25, 2011
It's been longer than I would have liked since my last post. I'm in the final stages of "birthing" our Friend project, and these past few weeks have felt like the major hump to get over. As I catch up with myself and the work, I'll be posting some eclectic reflections from the adrenaline-fueled final
March 14, 2011
I've often thought about what it means to come home to someone. When you come home to someone, there's comfort and consistency. A dog's tail wagging, rich smells from the kitchen and maybe a kid slamming the screen door to escape outside into the air and wilderness and unknown. But coming home feels like too
March 8, 2011
Dear CounterPULSE Family, As many of you know, in light of the very exciting program and staffing changes taking place at CounterPULSE this season, I must announce to you that my time at CounterPULSE has come to a close. While I am very sad to leave the organization, I know that CounterPULSE will continue to