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September 4, 2013
Conversation and Reflection: CounterPULSE’s Performing Diaspora Artist Jia Wu Submitted by Joy Tang on August 29, 2013 - 8:11pm Diaspora Performing Arts Reviews Counterpulse Diaspora Jia Wu Joti Singh Performing Diaspora Email this page Jia Wu, creator and performer of Mama/Medea. Photo credit: Dan Brockett With summer in San Francisco comes Performing Diaspora, presented through CounterPULSE
August 21, 2013
Their lives were stolen, Their memory remains, So long as we speak and toil,
August 15, 2013
Mama Kimpa Vita The greatest lesson I've learned through this creative process is to be still and listen, not be chained solely to my words, my thoughts, and my perspective but to get quiet enough for spirit to speak and be heard. When approaching Mama Kimpa Vita's story, I asked myself many questions... Why is
August 13, 2013
[View the story "Performing Diaspora Symposium 2013" on Storify]
August 8, 2013
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exgutLHUDso&feature=youtu.be The Piece "The Cloud Messenger" is a Bharatanatyam piece is about a yaksha (or demi-god) who is exiled and separated from his beloved. When he feels like all hope is lost, he finds solace in a young raincloud and tries hard to convince her to embark on a difficult journey, to ultimately take a
August 4, 2013
There is this fantastic organization called the South Asian American Digital Archive, or SAADA for short, founded by Samip Mallick. My uncle Surinder Paul Singh has submitted a great deal of original source material from my great grandfather, including letters and photos. All these materials are now available on SAADA's website. Having these materials on
August 2, 2013
When I dance... Nadhi: “I can feel a deep love for God and an emotional connection to human-kind. Particularly when I perform, that connection can be so strong, that I forget where I am and who is watching. I find that I keep dancing to chase those moments. Sophia: “Dancing excites me, challenges me, moves
July 22, 2013
THE GINZBURG GEOGRAPHY Alla Boara Old Ones Remain Revolution on Borgo San Constanzo Marciar, Marciar Guerra di Popolo Winter in Abruzzo La Filera Corso Re Umberto La Situazione Memoria Piazza Quadrata These 3 Friends La Lega Texts as cited. All music by Jewlia Eisenberg except when cited. ALLA BOARA Traditional O the grasshopper sings on
June 26, 2013
Over the past four months I’ve come together with a group of talented dancers, actors and improvisers to explore America’s rampant consumer culture. The result is this week’s performances of Minced Meat, an absurd dance-theater piece that asks “How far will you go to feel full?” The process began with free association and improvised movement