
1 Nov, 2013

Year Of The Snake : November 15-17, 2013

2013-11-01T14:33:33-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , |

NEW EDGE presents Year Of The Snake a work for dance, music, and text WHAT "However long it takes to reach each other's shores." -Karl Jensen, All This We're Each Forced Into; Private Painful Insight YEAR OF THE SNAKE is a work conceived by three bay area artists: composer Jason Hoopes, choreographer Peiling Kao, and writer/visual artist Karl Jensen. The three elements that make up Year Of The Snake include the choreography, a physical record of the music (available November 15th),

27 Aug, 2012

Help support Homo File- and get some fabulous booty!

2016-04-07T01:17:44-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Seth Eisen|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Hey want to see some great video of what we are working on and get some fabulous booty while you are at it? We have just launched our Kickstarter campaign and we need your support to get Homo File off the ground. In only 1 week we have 25 backers and are $3713 away from our $5000 goal. If you can help us support his amazing project in this first stage you will also be helping to make it possible

20 Apr, 2012

Homo File Audition/Workshop

2018-05-07T18:24:26-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Seith Eisen in Residence at CounterPULSE Homo File   Drawing and tattoo by Samuel Steward Over the past year I’ve been in the research phase for my next queer history performance project titled Homo File, chronicling the life of Sam Steward, (1907-1994). I am thrilled to tell you that I received a four month residency at CounterPULSE to develop the project. I will be creating, writing and directing a new ensemble performance piece with the help of CounterPULSE's Artist Residency

29 Jan, 2012

Quarter 3: The music of Murakami

2012-01-29T09:56:49-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Winter Special 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

If Murakami's works came to life, and you could suddenly take a stroll through them, chances are music would be everywhere. Chauffeured in a car, you would hear "the classical strains of Chopin." In the bathroom of Denny's, Hall & Oates' I can't go for that would be playing. And jazz would fit into the small spaces everywhere else. I knew when I started this piece, music would figure in significantly to it, and my musical selections might not match

18 Jan, 2011

Injury as Teacher

2016-03-18T22:19:18-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Dandelion Dancetheater, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

I'm often able to tell other people when they are injured how much every injury can be a teacher. When it's not me having to hold back from moving with physical abandon, I see the benefit of learning about our limitations and our vulnerability through our injuries. When I have an injury, my vision is a lot murkier and I have to wade through a lot of resistance before I come to some kind of acceptance of what happened and

2 Apr, 2010

The Lovely Lily

2010-04-02T13:39:33-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Last week, I was lucky enough to attend "Beyond the Veil" at CounterPULSE. The evening, a mix of music, performance and visuals was an experience I have been needing to have. Lily Taylor took the stage and presented the audience a rare opportunity to see a music artist pair her work with performance artists inspired by music. Seated at her keyboard by her drum and looping mechanisms, her sultry, atmospheric and fluid vocals interacted with a variety of impressive visual

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