
15 May, 2018

Narrowing the Gap

2018-06-07T00:29:30-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

As a disabled person I have always appreciated CounterPulse’s support and presentation of disabled artists. In the two plus years I have been with CounterPulse, I have seen several amazing shows by disabled artists: dancers on crutches, dancers with prosthetic limbs, dancers in wheelchairs, and dancers with a visual impairment. Being disabled, and an arts administrator, I was intrigued when Jess Curtis offered to involve CounterPulse as a test site for his company’s nascent audio description service.  It was a

14 May, 2018

Humboldt County and 848 Community Space or The Infinite Path towards Wokeness

2018-06-08T23:05:12-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Inverse worlds, similar dialogue. It wasn’t until I was living in the redwoods that I noticed something was off. Amidst bluegrass festivals and chants to “save the trees!”, there was a curious trend in the crowds. Surrounded by pale faces throughout my peregrination of environmental work, my fervor eclipsed critical inquiry into the causes we supported. Sitting in our yurt, we discussed ecofeminism while smoking pot that was illegally irrigated by white hippies, water diverted from Native American reserves. As

4 May, 2018

I LOVE THIS (or….very personal reflections that aren’t completely about the inaugural CounterPulse Festival)

2018-05-14T23:21:55-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

I don’t actually remember the first time that I met Julie, but I do have a picture in my head of sitting at my desk at the old CounterPulse, at 1310 Mission, and looking to my left and seeing her working at a desk that we rented out to Jess Curtis at the time for his admin work to happen… which was being carried out by Julie. It was probably late 2008. Soon after, I was casting a new group

26 Apr, 2018

Body Group

2018-04-26T23:26:12-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

An excerpt from Jesse Hewit's piece on Upstanding Others as part of the 2018 CounterPulse Festival. Originally published on SFMOMA's Open Space. Read the full piece here. The premise: Upstanding Others was an experiment that happened within the inaugural CounterPulse Festival, and it happened from March 12 through March 17, 2018. There were eight to ten people in a room (or series of rooms) every day for a chunk of hours, some chunks larger than others. Olga, Sasha, and Nina were

2 Apr, 2018

Community Service Program: Volunteer at CounterPulse!

2019-02-27T18:12:58-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Great news! CounterPulse is a participant in SFMTA's Community Service Program, which allows eligible people to pay off their San Francisco parking tickets through community service. The Community Service Program is for people who cannot afford to pay their parking tickets or traffic violations. People are assigned community service hours in lieu of paying.  Project 20 serves the City and County of San Francisco. Clients must have a referral to participate in Project 20.  Call 415-701-3000 for a referral or 415-626-4995 for

24 Mar, 2018

Exchange between Jill Holman Randall and Lauren Simpson

2018-03-24T00:25:30-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Excerpted from the original post “Musings on Unison” on online blog, Life as a Modern Dancer: http://blog.lifeasamoderndancer.com/2018/03/musings-on-unison.html Jill Holman Randall-Inside a work, what strategies do you use to perform in unison? Lauren Simpson- We make and perform unison a lot. We never perform in unison to metered music because it flattens and “regularizes” the idiosyncratic rhythms we create inside the phrasing. To stay connected, we have many internal songs we sing to keep time, like “da da da’s” and audible breaths

16 Mar, 2018

In response to this is an artwork…

2018-03-16T23:16:30-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

What is a body But a thing That we have made life into Flesh and bone and fascia Blood and gut and sinew Just things Lumped together In folds and flops Joints and juts Sewn up in a sack Of fat and skin and hair And we all agree It's a body What is a body But a thing That we make into something That we are told is something That we decide is something That we tell others is

3 Jan, 2018

CounterPulse Spring 2018 Season Announcement

2018-01-11T21:07:50-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

CounterPulse is launching into a mind-bending spring season with a series of performances that activate cultural pluralism through human-scale movements and bodily resistance. In spring 2018 we navigate through interplanetary time as lovers and cultural vanguards. Kicking things off in February, the legendary Kei Takei returns to San Francisco for a rare three nights of iconic performances that connect earth and tribe. Next, James Graham Dance Theatre will tantalize the stage with Dance Lovers 7: Duets by Couples, Crushes, and

1 Dec, 2017

wild child in residence at CounterPulse

2017-12-01T20:36:57-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Combining pompous burlesque acts with intimate confessions, ,wild child" blurs the line between natural and artificial, authenticity and masquerade, reality and fantasy. The performer morphs from one character to the next and reenacts past encounters to discover what sexual desire is. They play with femininity and other gender roles to unveil the joy, fear, shame, violence, power relations and expectations that are embedded within our relationships and desires. ©Lydia Perrot If there is one thing I have learned through

26 Nov, 2017

Who are your Lxs Desaparecidxs?

2017-11-26T19:51:28-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Questions to Consider (proposed by Randy):   Who are your Lxs Desaparecidxs? In what ways has being in this process shifted your own creative practice, if at all? Where do you see the piece going next and how do you see the work evolving? What questions have persisted since the process began and what new discoveries have arisen? Who are you presence-ing? Can you tell us a story about who they are or what this place is? What is your

26 Nov, 2017

Let’s start from scribbles, let’s start from scraps.

2017-11-26T19:08:40-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

When given an empty canvas, I stare intently at my toes as I wiggle them, plan which wall to remove and couch to shift were the place mine, examine my palms as I ponder my life as written in wrinkles and wonder which wrinkle is Wednesday's. One might say I do nothing. I certainly do not make a thing. The plain sheet of paper with its limitless possibilities stares back at me blankly. If it had a tongue it would

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