In response to this is an artwork…
  • By: Jeanne Pfeffer

Posted on March 16, 2018

What is a body
But a thing
That we have made life into
Flesh and bone and fascia
Blood and gut and sinew
Just things
Lumped together
In folds and flops
Joints and juts
Sewn up in a sack
Of fat and skin and hair
And we all agree
It’s a body

What is a body
But a thing
That we make into something
That we are told is something
That we decide is something
That we tell others is something
I’ve got a leg for you to pull
A knee to slap
A muscle to kneed
A corpse for you to raise up
Raise up
Raise it up
Raise me up

Bring up the body
Let’s have a look at it
Move it here
For examination
Have it stand just
Or sit or
Wish you would pick it
Pick me!

What is a body
But a thing
Made life into
Made life onto
Become lost in
Lust for
Listen to
Labor over
Learn limits of
Give it three seconds
Or the whole song
It’s a range
Be in it
In you
In your body
With me
In my body
These things
Made ourselves

Jeanne Pfeffer is the Director of Producing & Advancement at CounterPulse. this is an artwork…by keyon gaskin is presented at The Lab as part of the inaugural CounterPulse Festival.

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