
21 Nov, 2017

Dancing with Ghosts: A conversation with Randy Reyes

2017-11-27T20:00:44-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

How do you conjure queer ancestry through a dance performance? How can we form and unform psychic territories held through our lineages? Randy Reyes’s new work borrows Chinese Energetics and systems of improvisation to weave queer ancestral lineages throughout an elaborate number. Lxs Desaparecidxs—created in collaboration with performers Jose Abad, Emelia Brumbaugh, Gabriel Christian, Felix (Sol) Linck Frenz, and Stephanie Hewett—is a work that seeks to inquire more than answer. Randy embarks on the rigorous process of asking around displacement, assimilation,

7 Nov, 2017

Toxin-laced Living Worlds

2017-11-22T18:41:49-08:00By |Categories: Performing Diaspora, Performing Diaspora Events, Uncategorized|

Javier has been excited to explore how environmental toxicity connects intimately to the motherhood we inhabit and relate to. She's especially inspired by Mowhawk researcher and midwife Katsi Cook, who below writes of our gestational mothers—the ones who bear us in their womb: Of the sacred things that there are to be said about this , woman is the first environment; she is an original instruction. In pregnancy, our bodies sustain life. Our unborn see through our eyes, hear through

1 Nov, 2017

The House Managers of CounterPulse

2017-11-06T20:13:00-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

The House Managers of CounterPulse are the busy bees ensuring our Front of House is running smoothly. These dedicated individuals are seamlessly relaying information among artists and technicians, overseeing our box office ushers, and making sure all our patrons are accounted for. So who are the Managers of The House? Take a moment to read about the dynamic trio holding down the Front of House at all our shows. Kat Cole What is your background? I direct and produce film

25 Oct, 2017

Mother the Verb : Beginnings

2017-10-26T10:38:49-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

A spark in the (Mid)Night - Entre suor e esplendor Our project, like so many sensuous,  creative acts, first took seed on a humid San Francisco summer’s night. In June 2016 Ivy Monteiro, Javier Stell-Fresquez, and Davia Spain found themselves dancing on the same upper balcony of Public Works Nightclub. JAVIER: why did u notice me and Davia that night? What stood out to you, and made u decide to propose collaboration to us? IVY: Well, I was totally struck

7 Oct, 2017

On change and collaboration…presenting the new CounterPulse org chart

2017-10-13T00:24:21-07:00By |Categories: Organizational Design, Uncategorized|

At CounterPulse, we invite change as our constant, from moving into our new facility to our ever rotating cast of artists and accomplices. We persistently strive to work better together, excited by the way that true collaboration necessitates an aptitude for change. We've updated our org chart to reflect new changes and new ways of working. Not all change is easy. The recent changes to our core administrative staff have certainly come with challenges. There’s no easy path through reforming

5 Oct, 2017

Keepin’ it Real…down in the TL

2017-10-05T17:54:10-07:00By |Categories: Anne Bluethenthal and Dancers, Krista Denio, Uncategorized|

by Krista DeNio, Skywatchers Artist Facilitator **NOTE: The names of individuals in this post have been changed for confidentiality. It all started with having one another’s backs. That’s right. I got your back. Whose got your back? I GOT YOUR BACK. We said, we sung, we danced and we meant it. This past year, Skywatchers focused on talking about the people, places, forces, or things that support us. “God’s got my back.” “Ain’t no one got my back but myself.” Michelle

18 Sep, 2017

Judith Butler on Performativity and Performance

2017-10-26T19:17:29-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Julie Phelps Interviewing Judith Butler Original Interview conducted on July 18, 2013 On Friday, November 3, 2017, renowned gender theorist Judith Butler will be conversing with Monique Jenkinson, the artist behind the cis-female drag persona Fauxnique in an evening entitled “Ordinary Practices of the Radical Body” at CounterPulse. Let’s take a look back to 2013 at CounterPulse’s 16th Dance Discourse Project, a conversation between Judith and Julie Phelps. The two respond to contemporary Bay Area body-based performance as it resonates

17 Sep, 2017

Combustible: an early retrospect

2017-09-18T20:17:30-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

So here we are, just before the last performance. It has been 5 exciting performances so far. With all of them going 'perfect'... And of course nothing is never the perfect but those imperfections and the performers response to them make each night unique and different. This is the nature of things. Now let's look at from another perspective. The Combustible program aims to bring the community of performative arts and technology arts together. Where the foci are on dance

11 Sep, 2017

Membership Musings from the Development Director

2017-09-11T22:43:20-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Development Director Jeanne Pfeffer Big changes happening to the membership program at CounterPulse, people. Big changes. I thought, what is a membership program for Counterpulse? For eight years I’ve been pondering the question, actually. What is membership for a community based, performing arts center? It is in the words community and arts. Members are our community. Anyone one who touches CounterPulse should have the chance to be a member with us. To be considered, addressed, and staked in

28 Aug, 2017

Block Fest Activator: How to Make a Coloring Book (Like Us)

2017-08-31T23:24:35-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

This is how my co-artists and I started and completed our first coloring book. To begin, we asked the larger questions then focused on the technicalities and details. Large questions are, for example, what is your message or general theme for the book? What do you want to say or share with your audience? We wanted to engage the Tenderloin community specifically on Turk Street. We decided that site specific imagery would do the trick. Then we wanted to present it

25 Aug, 2017

Groundwater and Grassroots: The Curious Tale of Justin Ebrahemi

2017-08-25T01:58:25-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

My Path: My career trajectory seems foreign to my family. “You’ve been studying water for 2 years and now you’re at a dance organization?” Well, not quite. You see, I got my Masters in a social science research program entitled Environment & Community, where I interrogated the disparate cultural themes surrounding water management in search of policy solutions. Thesis Defense at Humboldt State University In school I advocated for equitable water rights for disadvantaged communities. At CounterPulse I

12 Aug, 2017

Collaboration in the age of multimedia art

2017-08-23T20:53:47-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, Uncategorized|

Hey everyone, This time I wanted to talk about my views on collaboration and how it applies to our residency with Freya at CounterPulse. So let's start by dumping some ideas. Collaboration to me... is about communicating is about the work/project not individuals is also the individuals enjoying is the process of getting multiple people involved in a way to create something that is not possible individually. is about knowing when to stay silent is not about going further but slower

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