• March 9, 2009

    By Published On: March 9th, 2009

    Chop wood, carry water, tape chairs and oh yes perform... 3/3 Night before the dress rehearsal. It's 11 pm and I'm still on on the sidewalk spray-painting my beautiful Mission-style dining room chairs a metallic silver, after spending way too many hours with Katarina covering their endless slats with gaffer's tape. Back aching, head thick

  • March 4, 2009

    By Published On: March 4th, 2009

    It is only a few days left to the opening of ANIMoid, the piece that Cathie Caraker and I have been working with for some time now. We think of it as a post-modern dance laboratory. The research we are performing in that laboratory started with the question: What might happen if two aliens came

  • February 27, 2009

    By Published On: February 27th, 2009

    So, next week my company and i will perform our new work "...our daily bread" that is this exploration of food and cultural identity. Forgive me if what I am about to throw down reads a bit like a high school essay that would begin with "what I learned......". But what has been the deepest

  • February 27, 2009

    By Published On: February 27th, 2009

    The Burning of the Ancient Library of Alexandria brought down the house at CounterPULSE this past weekend. The cast made use of many different forms of media and brought a fascinating evocation of ancient philosophy to life with their enthusiasm and commitment on the stage. Comment about the show below.

  • February 20, 2009

    By Published On: February 20th, 2009

    For me, last night’s Dance Discourse Project: Writing About Dance was a powerful and very mixed experience. Mostly I’m feeling grateful. I’m grateful that four dance writers—Rachel Howard, Rita Felciano, Ann Murphy, and Keith Hennessy— for giving us a window into their world. Rachel talked candidly about the nuts and bolts of her role at

  • February 12, 2009

    By Published On: February 12th, 2009

    So I was a bad boy tonight.  I was supposed to go home and do work.  I was supposed to go home and finish a grant proposal so my boss can proof it tomorrow (sorry if you're reading this JR).  But I thought it would be much more worth my while to attend the weekly

  • February 4, 2009

    By Published On: February 4th, 2009

    Ever since I was a kid I’ve loved science fiction. My mom used to write novels and stories herself. She introduced me to the great sci fi writers and I’ve been hooked ever since - not so much to the hard science, but to the question, “what if...?” I’ve especially loved the women writers like

  • February 4, 2009

    By Published On: February 4th, 2009

    I want to start by admitting that I am indeed the Theater Manager at CounterPULSE and no I was not prodded to post this. But being in that position allows me a sometimes rare opportunity to see the progression of the shows and the space from one week to the next and it continues to

  • January 30, 2009

    By Published On: January 30th, 2009

    2nd Sundays A Monthly Salon with CounterPULSE and Dancers’ Group Sunday February 8, 2pm Free at CounterPULSE 1310 Mission St. @ 9th San Francisco This monthly salon offers emerging & established choreographers an opportunity to show their work & receive feedback from other artists, community members, and presenters. Please join us for an afternoon of

  • January 24, 2009

    By Published On: January 24th, 2009

    My company Deep Waters Dance Theater is in the process of making this piece we are calling, "...our daily bread". We are exploring the ways that food shapes our cultural identities, how we all have food stories and folklore that ties who we are to the food we eat. We are also looking at how

  • January 23, 2009

    By Published On: January 23rd, 2009

    The infamous Punany Poets came through CounterPULSE last weekend. They owned the stage and had a delightfully erotic affair. Comment about the show below.

  • January 23, 2009

    By Published On: January 23rd, 2009

    by Katarina Eriksson (Winter Artist in Residence in collaboration with Cathie Caraker) One of the breeding grounds for this project is the subtext of two aliens who have come to earth and inhabited human bodies. I do think of it as a dance piece (as opposed to a dance theater piece), where the human body