• September 10, 2009

    By Published On: September 10th, 2009

    A benefit for CounterPULSE’s Performing Diaspora Thurs. Sept. 10, 5-9pm, $10-15 sliding scale at El Rio, 3158 Mission St., SF, CA, www.elriosf.com Come party with CounterPULSE at El Rio for an evening of happy hour specials with an awesome line up of entertainment for your viewing pleasure. Vivvyanne Forevermore hosts an evening with a DJ

  • September 9, 2009

    By Published On: September 9th, 2009

    Wed. Sept. 9, 7:30pm, Free The rise of microbrewers in American is preceded by a rich social and revolutionary history of beer and brewing, spanning from the Mayans to the Mayflower, from the Founding Fathers through Manifest Destiny, and from Prohibition to the corporatization of beer. Artists John Jota Leaños and Sean Levon Nash will

  • September 7, 2009

    By Published On: September 7th, 2009

    Danica and Dulce -thank you both so much for your sharing! Having been in Cuba for the first works in progress showing - and looking towards the 20th as the first time I will be meeting many of the other artists in this amazing convergence of cultures, approaches, artistic voices - I am feeling nervous,

  • September 7, 2009

    By Published On: September 7th, 2009

    Corpo/Ilicito premieres Sept 11th and 12th, 8:00 pm @ CounterPULSE 1310 Mission St @ 9th, San Francisco Tickets: https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/73700 Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Violeta Luna's latest duet Corpo/Ilicito premieres in San Francisco next weekend and we wanted to share with you some thoughts behind the project -- as articulated by Guillermo himself: "We are now facing

  • September 6, 2009

    By Published On: September 6th, 2009

    Sun. Sept. 6, Noon, $15-50 sliding scale to benefit Shaping SF From the pre-urban history of Indian Slavery to the earliest 8-hour day movement in the U.S., the ebb and flow of class war is traced. SF's radical working class organizations are shaped in part by racist complicity in genocide and slavery, but from the

  • September 3, 2009

    By Published On: September 3rd, 2009

    This past weekend, a few of our Performing Diaspora artists gave audiences a sneak peek on how their work's progressing.  It was incredible to see how far they've come in these past few months, and we're excited to see the final performance!    Check out videos of their performance on YouTube - CounterPULSE has a page

  • September 2, 2009

    By Published On: September 2nd, 2009

    Wed. Sept. 2, 7:30pm, $7-10 (Members $3-5) This month's performance review includes Kenny Yun in "Lettucetown Lies."  He's Gay.  He's Asian.  He's coming of age in Lettucetown. If that's not bad enough, he's got a crush on a hick.  Adolescence! It's fun, it's lies. In Lettucetown; David Allen Moss; Bruce Pachtman in "Solo Show #2." 

  • September 2, 2009

    By Published On: September 2nd, 2009

    Hey All, So as we near the end of our Riser Rebuild we find ourselves with about 1000 sq. ft. of decent Ram Board that we protected the Dance Floor with. If you want it it is free, just email andrew@counterpulse.org

  • August 31, 2009

    By Published On: August 31st, 2009

    Hi friends! I spent last three months living in India, co-writing the new Nautanki performance script for the “Performing Diaspora” with my father-- the renowned Nautanki artist, Pundit Ram Dayal Sharma, I loved my time in India. It was so much fun, and a learning experience, working with my father on this script that focuses

  • August 29, 2009

    By Published On: August 29th, 2009

    The Ewe say " ... you must cry into the song." A man in the taxi said "... you are beautiful when you cry." ... But these things are not easy. To cry into the song when you are still so sad ... To let your beauty shine thru when you feel as though there

  • August 28, 2009

    By Published On: August 28th, 2009

    The very spontaneous nature of art rarely gives way to "schedules", ie. scribbling notes on a bathroom floor at 4am so as not to wake up the household, 2-hour rehearsals that turn into 10 hours, starting with violins and ending up with tambourines, constant breaking of commitments due to double-booking or financial constraints...and yet as

  • August 26, 2009

    By Published On: August 26th, 2009

    So I haven't been good with updating the blog regularly - I am the same way about my own personal blog - but when I do it is thorough! We have been traveling all summer and I have been very in my head about this work - working on skill building and movement material but