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October 15, 2009
Presented by CounterPULSE, World Arts West/ San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival and Dancers' Group Thurs. Oct. 15, 7:30pm, Free Join us for a lively discussion tackling some of the questions and ideas posed by Performing Diaspora. Questions include: What is tradition? What is innovation? What is preservation? How does one’s identity give access to or
October 14, 2009
(co-sponsored by the Global Commons Foundation) Wed. Oct. 14, 7:30pm, Free Michelle Dizon, Filipino-American artist from LA, screens her installation video comparing the 2005 riots in France and the 1992 riots in LA, illuminating political issues of marginal citizenships, migration and exile, media and the erasure of memories of historical violence. The discussion will be
October 13, 2009
19 events of inspiring performance and discussion The Performing Diaspora brochure is now online and viewable on the CounterPULSE website
October 11, 2009
Sun. Oct. 11, 2pm Spontaneous combustion, the complex world of gelatinous sweets, and Balkan folk dance footwork are only a few of the subjects in October's salon of emerging & established choreographers. Work from Wan-Chao Dance, Aura Fischbeck Dance, and Jessica Damon are featured. Photos by Jessica Damon & Rob Kunkle.
October 9, 2009
A great opportunity for artists to develop skills in self promotion. Find out more Register at Brown Paper Tickets
October 8, 2009
Thurs. & Fri. Oct. 8 & 9, 8pm, $25/5 for youth under 21 A Special Double Bill featuring Universes, and a work-in-progress Mirrors in Every Corner. Fresh off a powerful inspirational opening for Actors Theater of Louisville’s 33rd annual Humana Festival of New American Plays, The Living Word Festival is proud to present Universes, featuring
October 7, 2009
Wed. Oct. 7, 7:30pm, $7-10 (Members $3-5) Words First is the premiere solo performance event in San Francisco. Each month we invite the finest solo artist, comics, and storytellers to the CounterPULSE stage. Solo performance is a unique brand of theater; One person, one stage. It's one part storytelling, one part comedy, one part drama,
October 6, 2009
CounterPULSE is hiring new House Managers Read about the opportunity on the Job Opportunities page
October 5, 2009
Kathak made a man out of me....And a Bird! by Charlotte Moraga Gender-bending, gender-blending--This is ardhinariswara. It’s nothing new for a Kathak dancer. We have to explore the depths of extreme masculinity and extreme femininity as we portray different characters and characterization in stories. This kind of role playing requires an artist to get in
September 29, 2009
now and then adia wrote: not heads, just faces april 13, 2009 In sidewalk cracks and florescent puddles, busted spindles stack grief and silence. Violent at the core a snake rises unraveling in a double helix born of war. A blank stare slips and falls into the wrong hands. Crimson bends black across corners in Brooklyn. The
September 28, 2009
Rembetiko is not just a stylle of music, it is also a way of life an attitude that constanly questions authority in crative ways. The solo dance of the rembetes although based on traditional moves and technique is always breaking rulles and evolving as a living art. The Rembetika lyrics touch subject matter that is
September 26, 2009
The process of creating parts of the piece and showing them has been stimulating. At the showing in San Francisco, there were comments on things that surprised me. At one point I finish drinking a glass of wine and someone remarked on the how my exhalation into the glass fogged it up and thought that