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November 25, 2009
The 1923 exchange of population was a forcefull way for the Greek refugees to preserve their memory of their experiences and art forms because deep inside they knew that they were never going to return back to their beloved Asia Minor. My grand parents Leonidas and Despina spoke mostly in Turkish at home and they
November 25, 2009
The actual performance of Rembetika was a very powerful experience because it felt dangerous in way that reminds me when we had to do experiments in chemistry class and didn't know the outcome. The performers were all very brave precise and fluid and seemed to understand the heavy soul of a Greek spirit that is
November 23, 2009
Now that I am on the other side of Performing Diaspora where I presented the piece “The Politics of Poverty” – Sankofa Wisdom, I would just like to say whew. I really enjoyed all the different cultural groups and learning more about their artistry. Looking into the subject of Poverty was painful on my heart.
November 18, 2009
Wed. Nov. 18, 7:30pm, Free This panel brings artists and scholars together who work in the areas of Filipino history, colonization, decolonization and the creation of cultural forms. It will evoke and address our diasporic, transnational and shifting identities as Filipinos/Filipino-Americans and political relationships historically and today between the Philippines and the United States. Aimee Suzara,
November 18, 2009
"All warfare is based on deception." Sun Tzu, 6th c. B.C. Politics is gentlemen's warfare. But when words fail, bombs fall. WHERE IS TIBET? invites you to consider the ancient history of China and Tibet before Tibet's occupation. It is a meditation on our human capacity to understand the nature of good and evil that
November 14, 2009
Sat. Nov. 14, noon, $15-50 sliding scale to benefit Shaping SF This trip through San Francisco's lost sand dunes, ponds, creeks and coastline will focus on the city from downtown north, covering the heart of the city, the waterfront and Yerba Buena cove, Telegraph Hill, Black Point, and Crissy Field in the Presidio... It's a
November 13, 2009
It wasn't easy to say goodbye to last weekend's Performing Diaspora artists, but yesterday, CounterPULSE eagerly opened its doors to all of the incredible performers who are taking the stage for the second weekend of the Performing Diaspora Festival -- some coming to us from all the way down in L.A. We caught up with
November 11, 2009
Wed. Nov. 11, 7:30pm, Free AIM-West and friends will revisit the historic occupation of Alcatraz, show video clips, tell stories, and most importantly, connect this important historic event with the decades of organizing and political resistance since that time.
November 11, 2009
Prumsodun Ok is a Performing Diaspora Resident Artist at CountePULSE. See him at weekend 3 of Performing Diaspora, November 19-22. Buy tickets now! Dear Callie, I am walking with a bag in my hand. It is small and brown, the head of a teddy bear just barely creeping out at the top. I’ve thought much
November 11, 2009
Dulce Capadocia is a Performing Diaspora Resident Artist at CounterPULSE. See her at weekend 3 of Performing Diaspora, November 19-22. Buy tickets now! BIHAG Works in Progress showing at Highways featuring Jill Parago and Dulce Capadocia, Photo Credit: Rudy Samonte Time. Time ticking. Time ticking loudly as numbered days pass in preparation for the anticipated
November 10, 2009
Last Saturday, artists and community members used the CounterPULSE stage not for dancing, but for discussion: participants in the Performing Diaspora Symposium took the day to explore the rich, challenging themes that the Festival explores. In three separate sessions, panelists and audience members articulate some of the ideas that each Performing Diaspora artists stirs up
November 8, 2009
Sun. Nov. 8, 2pm, Free K. Olive Mckeon helps us all get seated, Ana Flecha explores friendships between women, and Heidi Landgraf DanceAct traces two women's relationship from initial meeting to "I Do" in this month's dance salon of emerging & established choreographers. Photo by Stefanie Herzer—Heidi Landgraf DanceAct