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July 12, 2011
The Unbearable Lightness of Raya is coming with HALLOWEEN! The Ballad of Michele Myers... Tickets and Info!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4sjyYl1Am8
July 11, 2011
Howdy CounterPULSE Peeps, I'm Tessa, the outreach intern. I had an urge to blog, which has never really happened to me before, so I figured I would talk about my time at CounterPULSE so far. Well...where to begin? Basically, I love working here. Er'body is really nice and I'm learning a ton. But enough about
July 7, 2011
In an effort to share everything I possibly can about what we're doing, I made a short explanatory video - it's rad and you should check it out! ~Charles Slender Artistic Director, FACT/SF http://youtu.be/pH63NTPSgk4
July 5, 2011
Oh my! We had our first CounterPULSE rehearsal on Saturday. It was quite warm outside, and the studio quickly heated up as we ran our opening dance routine over and over. Then our photographer collaborators showed up and hung up the photoshow in the gallery, it looks so gorgeous and should be completed by tomorrow
July 2, 2011
Whoa folks. I know it's close when I'm at Foot Worship getting my shoes for the show, around the corner from Rosalie's where I ordered a fantastic wig. Sara, my main collaborator, director, dramaturg (and at this point, my life coach- without her I think this queen would be in an anxiety-ridden stupor at this
June 29, 2011
Howdy CounterPULSERS, I'm Tessa Fleming, the summer outreach intern. I've been doing interviews of our Summer Special artists and here is the first one- by Erika Tsimbrovsky of Avy K Productions. Her show, Rustling Silk, runs AUG 26th and 27th at 8 pm both nights. Below is the interview. She has some pretty cool insight,
June 28, 2011
On a rainy Tuesday morning, FACT/SF's Artistic Director Charles Slender tries to figure out what, really, this project is. We're getting closer.
June 24, 2011
Often artists, including myself, find themselves pitching a project before they've really gotten dirty with it, before they really know what the project really IS. Nearly a month into rehearsals now, we're learning so many new things. The Work in Progress Showing last week featured some healthy discourse that elicited new ideas and fantastic feedback. Here's
June 23, 2011
SF Pride Season is upon us, and so far the week has been glorious. I must say, over the past couple of years, my cynicism about this event has been tempered, by, well, PRIDE — in all of my friends and fellow San Francisco citizens, and all of their brave and beautiful endeavors. Let's celebrate!
June 22, 2011
The Consummate Conversationalist: An Interview with Monique Jenkinson BY KEGAN MARLING Originally published in the April 2011 issue of In Dance, a monthly magazine published by Dancers' Group Conversation comes easy to Monique Jenkinson. We sat down together for dinner at her home in the Mission to talk about her work‚ and nearly four laughter-filled
June 21, 2011
Front Line Theatre's newest work, Rare Earth, will be premiering at CounterPULSE on July 8-10 as part of the Summer Special series. But first, everyone should come and check out a Work-in-Progress preview at FURY Factory 2011! We'll be showing 25-30 minutes of the work and having a short talk-back after. Splitting the bill with