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August 18, 2011
From Keith Johnstone's Impro: "A sacrifice has to be endowed with a higher status or the magic doesn't work" "It's easy to play the role of artist, but actually to create something means going against one's education." Desmond Morris, The Human Zoo 10 Rules for #1-s 1. You must clearly display the trappings postures and
August 10, 2011
Reception is a piece for four men, choreographed by Tessa Wills. It melts together diverse choreographic interests, such as the patterns of birds flocking, stylistic references to the Baroque, and modern dance into a bubble that holds these men in unusual intimacy. The piece strives to strip and reveal the inherent humanity of the performers
August 8, 2011
Why did I decide to do a play about depression? It’s a question I’m being asked a lot, mostly by myself, as we try to “sell” A Mix Tape For Ophelia. Depression is not an easy sell, and doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as becoming a drag queen or exploring interconnectedness. But maybe the hard
August 5, 2011
Hola, Tessa Maurice, here. Your CounterPULSE Outreach Intern. Watch this vid interview of the crazy/beautiful Curtis/Raya and Todd. If after watching this vid you feel the desire to see Miss Raya Light in the flesh- come to CounterPULSE AUG 5th, 6th, and/or 7th at 8 PM.
August 1, 2011
We've been working on A Mix Tape For Ophelia for about a year now, and from the beginning i knew it would be a combination of dance and theater. but no only has it been an interesting struggle to figure out what that means, where on the spectrum of performance arts we fall, it has
July 31, 2011
http://dev-counterpulse.pantheon.io/permutae-reception/ Hello CounterPULSE! This is my first blog post! Ever! We are getting ready for our shows, Permutae and Reception. So I'm excited, and I want to share with you a bit about the feeling of the show ripening! It's going up in two
July 30, 2011
August 12th and 13th at 8pm. Permutae is a collaboration between artists Finley Coyl and Mary Franck with dancers Kyra Rice, Chrysalis Hyon, and Qilo Matzen that maps the expanding technological-biological horizon through representation and recreation of queer bodies, questioning the boundaries of that growth towards greater agency and the manifestation of desire. We began
July 28, 2011
The beauty of the artists I’m working with never ceases to amaze me. When I witness them, I witness the uniqueness of each person’s spirit, each person’s love and passion for her or his art, each person’s gift of giving deeply to the birth of this piece. This creative endeavor is bringing to life the
July 26, 2011
July 12, 2011
You might know by now that FACT/SF is interested in many things...systems and people and movements and implications and meta-theatrical concerns and deep emotive expressions. As we do our best to innovate and push push push forward - both relative to our own work and also the larger field of dance working/making, we always find