
4 Dec, 2018

Dear Bruce Lee: A Photo Essay

2018-12-04T19:12:15-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Dear Bruce, our Seattle research pilgrimage to you began with a golden sunset in the sky. We wondered how often you made this flight from OAK>SEA   The next morning, we met Mimi, our Chinatown tour guide. We walked your streets and traced your footsteps   Mimi brought us inside the Lucky Ngi Music Center—a still-functioning amateur Chinese Opera community center   This is the kind of place you grew up around in

28 Nov, 2018

Access Oriented Fellowship: Redirecting the Arts Pipeline

2018-11-28T20:47:43-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Throughout the month of November, I hosted a birthday fundraiser in service of the CounterPulse Fellowship for Arts Workers. I want to extend deepest gratitude for all who contributed. Your efforts will support two bright and aspiring young professionals, Maya Nixon and Samantha Kuykendall, through the first full expression of the program--a paid learn-work opportunity, emphasizing deep mentorship along with social capital and network-building elements. The fellowship supports entrance for first generation college students/recent grads or participants in Tenderloin workforce

19 Sep, 2018

Death Becomes Us: In conversation with Charles Slender-White, Artistic Director of FACT/SF

2018-09-24T18:48:15-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

  By Jeanne Pfeffer, Director of Producing & Advancement Interview on September 7, 2018 I’ve known Charles for over ten years now. I helped him launch his company FACT/SF from 2009-2014 and now serve as President of their Board of Directors. I caught up with Charles recently over a beer to learn about his current work, death, premiering Sept 27 at CounterPulse. A choice selection of that conversation is below. ****** Jeanne: Ok, so we were talking about making a

7 Sep, 2018

Drumroll please… presenting the Tenderloin Public Art Exchange

2018-09-07T21:13:18-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , |

Erica here, writing as your soon to be former engagement and strategy lead here at CounterPulse. That’s right, today, Friday, September 7, 2018 is my last day, after (nearly!) four wild, weird, amazing years. I wanted to mark this transition, this go-around of the cycle, with a final blog post sharing one of the engagement cohorts finest projects of the past year. The  is a document our little team put together to chart the public art initiatives of CounterPulse, created

24 Aug, 2018

Of Process & Resilience: A Conversation with Twin Walls Mural Co.

2018-08-24T17:43:42-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

The Tenderloin just got more colorful, thanks to the magic of Marina Perez-Wong and Elaine Chu or Twin Walls Mural Co.. Not actually bio-family, Marina & Elaine are artists in sync repping their San Francisco community through large scale murals. Representing women in the arts by taking their practice to the streets and disrupting assumptions that women aren’t street artists, Twin Walls has made a name for themselves as powerful muralists with West Coast flavor. Most recently Marina & Elaine

16 Aug, 2018

Why Do We Ask Artists to Work for Free?

2018-08-16T00:20:28-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Submit to be part of a published anthology of contemporary photographers. If chosen You Receive One Free Paperback Copy!!! Recently I’ve subscribed to email lists that send out regular artist open calls: opportunities to apply to shows, publication, residencies and more. The biggest trend among all of the sexy prospects, is that they don’t actually cover the cost of making the art, let alone provide additional income. These artist opportunities come at a cost for those who aren’t materially rich

26 Jul, 2018

Fall 2018 at CounterPulse

2018-08-13T18:00:26-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

The future is terrifying, but that’s never stopped us. Welcome to Fall 2018 at CounterPulse. Our season launches in rejoice as we celebrate the Turk Street Mural with our Tenderloin community and Twin Walls Mural Company. We then kick off our intrepid performance season with year two of Combustible, with Deborah Slater Dance Theater & John Fesenko and daevron & Raissa Simpson’s PUSH Dance Company confronting San Francisco’s fractured geographies and the digital divides in our everyday lives with cutting-edge new

10 Jul, 2018

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Use the Screen

2018-07-10T15:29:55-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

A look inside “In Civility Pt. 2: Outrage Machine” by Deborah Slater & John Fesenko Last May housing activists obstructed over a dozen buses ferrying tech workers in the Mission District of San Francisco. Their weapon of choice were e-scooters, a proclamation that shared scooters are treated better than the city’s homeless. With yellow signs in hand and a makeshift barricade constructed, the protesters grasped their phones and tweeted #techsploitation and #scootergate in what seemed like self-aware irony.  Many were

19 Jun, 2018

TecTonic Shifts: Feedback Loops Intensify

2018-06-19T17:37:22-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

TecTonic Shifts is a performance piece exploring psychosocial symptoms in cities interacting with technology and vice versa, an especially pronounced relationship in the San Francisco Bay Area, where urban form and social migration is constantly shifting. In unpacking how displacement can be exacerbated by tech, TecTonic Shifts processes a number of themes including the criminalization of houselessness, redlining of African American neighborhoods and the destabilizing impacts of technological encroachment. An early prompt applied to the work’s development has been “when

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