
28 Mar, 2017


2017-03-28T22:19:22-07:00By |Categories: edge residency, Uncategorized|

Throughout the development process of weather // body, Arletta and I have been been conducting research in the form of interviews and witness. We've polled friends, family, and strangers with questions about physical and emotional change over time. The Institute on Aging was kind enough to let us visit with seniors in their day program. Last week, we were guests at the Tenderloin Museum for an evening of what we called Oral Portraits. At the event, we asked attendees to to let us take their portrait while they

15 Mar, 2017

Project Space artist Alice Combs: power and idleness

2017-06-13T23:39:15-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Photo by Robbie Sweeny Project Space artist Alice Combs: power and idleness By Erica Dixon   I had a great conversation with Alice Combs, our March Project Space resident artist, during her residency earlier this month. We sat down in the windowless, concrete room amidst her then in-process installation, charger cables hanging from the ceiling all around. While in residence at CounterPulse, Alice installed Total Turn On, a project exploring power and turn on, through plugged in chargers

9 Mar, 2017

The Tenderloin: Working in the Shadow of San Francisco

2017-03-10T23:17:15-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Photo by Kegan Marling I've been thinking a lot about how we homogenize and scorn houseless people. Without knowing their stories, the people on the streets are casted aside as an eyesore unworthy of hospitality and attention. Before moving to San Francisco, I’ve heard all the horror stories. I’m sure you have too. The Tenderloin is where you go to get mugged, stabbed, crack. Stick to the cupcake boutiques and brunch spots on Valencia. Don’t turn left onto

24 Feb, 2017


2017-06-13T23:40:43-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

THE NOTION OF FAITH- AND QUESTIONING WHAT WE PLACE FAITH IN- IS MATERIAL FOR ACTIVISM. IT IS A WAY OF LOOSENING THE BELIEFS WE UNCONSCIOUSLY HOLD ONTO SO TIGHTLY. I attended the performance FAITH MATERIAL: ACTIVISM created by Jesse Hewit / Strong Behavior showing at the performance art space, CounterPulse. The show title is both direct in its call and subtle in its suggestion. We are asked to explore faith in more complex terms- not just as the personal sphere and

17 Feb, 2017

What is the Water of Resilience?

2017-04-12T22:06:05-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

In our CP residency as The Scarlett Cushion, we’ve been peeling back the layers and meanings associated with the term ‘resilience’. In our process, we’ve invited a number of partners to assist us with our investigation and research by participating in interviews and story sharing. These conversations help inform our work. Recognizing that resilience is a term that has received increased airplay over recent years, to the point of falling into the category of the latest trend, we have had

14 Feb, 2017

weather // body :: 01

2017-02-14T22:27:34-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Adam and I are thinking about change over time - how one experiences change as one ages, how one’s relationship to time changes. We’re thinking about how the environment around us changes - how the tectonic plates shift and the earth quakes, how the tides rise and fall, how some nights the stars appear in different parts of the sky. We’ve been thinking and writing about memory and perception. Rebecca, our dramaturg, introduced us to the work of French philosopher

31 Jan, 2017

CounterPulse Spring 2017 Season Announcement

2017-08-01T02:02:35-07:00By |Categories: edge residency, Jesse Hewit, meg stuart, season announcement, spring 2017, Uncategorized|

CounterPulse Spring 2017 brings forth a milieu of performance makers for a season of works that will be respite from and resistance to the powers that be. We make space this spring season for risk, pleasure, solidarity, conflict, and futurity. CounterPulse is your home for radical ridiculousness, dissident discomposure, and all adjacent anarchic alliterations ; ) We take stock to look forward with our collaborative presentation of Lost and Found: Bay Area Edition, with SFMOMA’s Open Space and Danspace, investigating

28 Oct, 2016

Eulogy for Lola Cion

2016-11-16T23:09:44-08:00By |Categories: Performing Diaspora, Uncategorized|

I will never forget the moment I met you. Really met you. It was just 2 ½ years ago. I was 22 years old and although I had visited you when I was three and again when I was sixteen… I really never met you until I was 22. I had just returned from Mindanao… we weren’t sure if I’d make it – time was tight and the weather was uncertain. But it was important to me and Aunty Sis

27 Oct, 2016

San Francisco, CounterPulse, and Proposition S

2016-11-16T23:49:25-08:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

Me and my family at CounterPulse's Magenta Party earlier this year A note from Executive Director Tomás Riley on Prop S   Dear CounterPulse Family,   We are in the thick of the struggle for simultaneously preserving San Francisco as the creative capital and safe haven for families it represents for thousands of artists and long-time residents that have made this city home for decades. Those of you close to me know that my family and I had

7 Sep, 2016

Toolbox: Resources for Artists Engaged in Community Building

2016-09-07T20:30:22-07:00By |Categories: Uncategorized|

  As a practicing artist, I do a lot of research to support my projects. Here are some resources I have found, that support the independent, self-organized work of artists and small groups that play a critical and significant role within the San Francisco Bay Area communities. None of these require a fiscal agent or 501c3 status. Go out and make some art. Rick Darnell, CounterPulse Community Engagement Fellow Have anything to share or comments? engagefellow@counterpulse.org In this TOOLBOX post:

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