• By: Arletta Anderson

Posted on February 14, 2017

Adam and I are thinking about change over time – how one experiences change as one ages, how one’s relationship to time changes. We’re thinking about how the environment around us changes – how the tectonic plates shift and the earth quakes, how the tides rise and fall, how some nights the stars appear in different parts of the sky.

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We’ve been thinking and writing about memory and perception. Rebecca, our dramaturg, introduced us to the work of French philosopher Henri Bergson. Of his theorization on the relationship between memory and perception she writes, “Memory does not bring the present into the past, but imports the past into the present. The relationship between memory and perception is a continual reconfiguration of temporality, bleeding past and present together within a single moment of consciousness that also incorporates an anticipation or idea of the future.” With this concept in mind, we are looking at duration and considering how the same action, repeated multiple times, is never experienced the same way. How does repetition change our experience of time?

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We’ve also been walking across the room…a lot.

– Arletta

Arletta Anderson & Adam Smith are resident artists with CounterPulse’s Edge incubation residency and commissioning program, developing their work weather // body. See it the last two weeks of April 2017 in a shared evening with The Scarlett Cushion. Arletta and Adam are pretty consistent on Instagram: @thesmanderson

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