
2 Apr, 2010

Post-BHOPAL – Thank you!

2010-04-02T13:52:10-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , |

Dear Friends, Thank you for attending our staged-reading of Bhopal by Rahul Varma at CounterPULSE on Friday, March 26th! I directed Bhopal to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Bhopal Tragedy and to honor Habib Tanvir, a legendary director from India, who translated the play into Hindi as Zahreeli Hawa (Poisonous Wind). Bhopal was staged minimally.  6 actors sat on chairs on either side of the stage. We had a wonderful dancer, vocalist and tabla player, seated on a rug

2 Apr, 2010

The Lovely Lily

2010-04-02T13:39:33-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Last week, I was lucky enough to attend "Beyond the Veil" at CounterPULSE. The evening, a mix of music, performance and visuals was an experience I have been needing to have. Lily Taylor took the stage and presented the audience a rare opportunity to see a music artist pair her work with performance artists inspired by music. Seated at her keyboard by her drum and looping mechanisms, her sultry, atmospheric and fluid vocals interacted with a variety of impressive visual

2 Apr, 2010

The Pulse in Paris: Nantes

2010-04-02T10:39:02-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Well, we have finally landed back in Paris after our 7 day trip out on the road and what a whirlwind experience it has been.  Things went so smoothly through Angers that I should have known we'd hit a snag somewhere along the line and that snag turned out to be Nantes.  The crew arrived on Wednesday night (the cast would follow the next day in time for rehearsal) and we were knackered.  Nantes always seems to take a significant

29 Mar, 2010

The Pulse in Paris: Adventures in Angers

2010-03-29T04:29:42-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

So, we are finally off and running, making that big trek from the Paris apartment up the road to Gare Montparnasse.  We all made it safe and sound with the help of our wonderful friend Muriel, who lent her car for transporting all the show bags which made it so much easier.  And we got it all on and off the train with reasonable ease.  We always have to be at the train very early the first time because we

27 Mar, 2010

The Pulse from Paris Part Deux

2010-03-27T03:33:00-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

So we are just about to pack everything up once again and make the trek up to Montparnasse train station to hit the road for the first time.  We are headed to Angers, one of my favorite cities and just the perfect place to kick off our tour.  But we do have to get there first.  Fortunately, we have help from our friend Muriel in Paris who is graciously offering to drive our bags (and probably our stage manager) to

25 Mar, 2010

A Notion of Home

2010-03-25T22:05:25-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Kendra Kimbrough Barnes|Tags: , |

I am both inspired by and gracious for the opportunity to be a Winter Artist in Residence at CounterPULSE. I have been creating work for over 13 years and realize, that just as in life, there is never a time that an artist does not need support. The moment I stepped into the studio for my first rehearsal I knew I was standing on fertile ground that would help nurture and hone my creativity while working on this piece.  What

25 Mar, 2010

The final week

2010-03-25T09:52:39-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Jose Navarrete|Tags: , , |

This is the last week of our residency here at CounterPULSE. It has been a honor and a great opportunity for us to be part of this residency, helping us to continue doing our work. The support and help we have received from CounterPULSE staff is invaluable, from their thoughtful feedback to the solutions of our tedious technical matters. Thank you so much for that. Lastly I would like to share with you a video we did last week exploring

25 Mar, 2010

The Pulse in Paris Pt. 1

2010-03-25T09:44:11-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Well, as many of you may already know I have taken leave of my Theater Manager duties (much thanks to Del and Claire for holding down the fort while I'm away) for a month while I am on tour in France with Word For Word Performing Arts production of Two On A Party by Tennessee Williams.  This is my fourth year on the tour and I am finally feeling comfortable and confident with the process and with working in a

17 Mar, 2010

So We Think We Can Dance (or thoughts from Dance Discourse Project #8)

2010-03-17T09:10:23-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , |

On March 11, 2010 Bay Area arts community members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project 8: Dance in Pop Culture. Co-presented by Dancers' Group.  The event attempted to sort through the effects of YouTube and So You Think You Can Dance on dance today. To learn more visit At the event participants were broken up into small groups where they discussed a variety of pertinent issues concerning how mass media strategies are changing how dance is made

14 Mar, 2010

Why focusing on Water?

2010-03-14T23:57:59-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Jose Navarrete|Tags: , , , , |

By José Navarrete In 2007 I went to India, and on that journey I experienced everything from horror to beauty: magnificent palaces and temples contrasting with the utmost human misery. Throughout it all, water was at the core of this gigantic human drama. On the one hand, there is a scarcity of the resource due to industrial overconsumption, and on the other, there is flooding due to the building of dams which, far from satisfying the thirst of millions of

12 Mar, 2010

Carpetbag Brigade and Bad Unkl Sista at CounterPULSE

2010-03-12T16:36:06-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

CounterPULSE was pleased to host the re-incarnation of Carpetbag Brigade's "You Don't Know Jack" in conjunction with Bad Unkl Sista's "Study of Soft" this past weekend. Carpetbag Brigade writes, "This is without a doubt our best show and it has had a 3 year maturation process with exquisite direction from Varrick Grimes, formerly of Toronto, Canada’s Number 11 Theater. The Carpetbag Brigade adds a Jungian twist with a dash of PTSD to Jack and the Beanstalk. You don’t know Jack

5 Mar, 2010

Jess Curtis / Gravity wows, baffles & stretches the imagination…

2010-03-05T20:47:29-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

This past weekend, audiences at CounterPULSE were treated to a powerful evening of performance from Jess Curtis / Gravity and a talented team of international collaborators.  The first act featured Scotland's Claire Cunningham in thought-provoking, solo exploration of her experience with alternate mobility.  After the intermission, audiences were wowed by a sneak peak at "Dances for Non-Fictional Bodies", a collaborative exploration of alternately-abled bodies at work, at play, on rollerskates, gurneys, and bicycles, dancing, singing karaoke and tumbling absurdly through

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