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August 7, 2008
I'm working on 3 nights of shows coming up in a month at CounterPULSE and I'm trying to take in a lot of information that can help me focus on my work and give me inspiration. Last night I watched a stand-up comedy DVD with my friend called “Axis of Evil.” Three of the comedians
June 23, 2008
Join us Friday, June 27, 2008 for... ARTIST+NUDE= Benefit Art Sale, Auction and Raffle of Original Nude Art Hosted by Peaches Christ and Nudist Volunteers. On Friday June 27, CounterPULSE and Marrvelous Films presents ARTIST+NUDE= an art sale, auction and raffle of original nude art and photography made exclusively for the funding of "Faerie," a documentary that chronicles
June 21, 2008
Kirk Read ("How I Learned to Snap"), pictured left, wrote these comments after seeing Alone Together At Last: Dynasty Handbag & Taylor Mac, two shows in repertory at CounterPULSE through Sunday... This was one of those rare nights in the theater where you feel grateful to be alive, to be sharing oxygen and living in
June 20, 2008
A limited number of $12 tickets are available for advance ticket buyers at www.discotix.com. Just use the code queen to receive $8 off the general admission ticket price to Taylor's show. "The Be(a)st of Taylor Mac plays at 8p tonight (Friday); 10p Saturday; and 8p on Sunday. If you're not familiar with Taylor, check out
June 2, 2008
The Mapping Project Navarrete x Kajiyama & Element Dance Theater SF International Arts Festival, Fri-Sun June 6-8, 8pm, $20 (tickets here) As a part of "The Mapping Project" performance, coming to CounterPulse June 6-8, I'm creating some digital prints that illustrate stories that come from some of the dancers. We've interviewed the dancers about the
May 25, 2008
paige starling sorvillo/blindsight • SF International Arts Festival Thu-Sat. May 22-24 & 29-31, 8pm $20 (Members $15, Thursdays: pay-what-you-can) Integrating contemporary butoh dance with stunning live video and an original sound score, blingsight creates a sense-saturated exploration of intimacy and violence. At 37˚celcius we have unprecedented potential to connect, to risk, to make contact inside
May 21, 2008
Winter Artist in Residence Showing: Violeta Luna Burried in the Body of Remembrance/ Enterrada en el Cuerpo del Recuerdo Wed. May 21 8pm Free for CP Members only Part one of a "border trilogy" on immigrant issues, by the interdisciplinary collective of immigrant artists "Secos & Mojados" the piece aims to develop a language for
May 15, 2008
Liz Lerman is a choreographer who after years of discussing dance with fellow artists, began to devise a method to effectively provide feedback about artistic work. It's something that CounterPULSE's Executive Director Jessica Robinson is well-versed. I've decided to include it here. The following comes from http://www.communityarts.net. You can also visit Liz's website Liz Lerman
May 14, 2008
Wed. May 14, Dinner at 6pm, Music at 9pm Free Erick Lyle looks back at the past ten years of activism and guerilla art in San Francisco. Come join Lyle and collaborators in a night of free food, art, readings, and music, featuring Zara Thustra, Sy Loady, Shotwell, Black Rainbow, and many more!
May 11, 2008
Sun. May 11, 2pm Free This monthly salon offers emerging and established choreographers the opportunity to show their work and receive feedback from the artists, audience, and presenters. Featuring Cynthia Adams/Fellow Travelers, Jesse Hewit, and Sheena Johnson. No Reservations Necessary.
May 9, 2008
Fri. May 9, 8pm (Doors at 7:30) $10 (Members $5) This is the second in Mindball’s new concert series “Music for Interested People”. The horn-heavy avant-funk of Research & Development and the spacey, mind-bendingly catchy songs of the R & B Free Jazz Gospel Supreme 80 will be accompanied by arresting live video processing and
May 8, 2008
Hello folks, In a few hours, we'll host our third Dance Discourse Project at Project Artaud Theater in partnership with ODC Theater. To get the conversation started, I'm posting comments from Rob Bailis, director of ODC Theater, who will not be with us this evening. Please feel free to use this post as a jumping-off-point