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April 15, 2009
Click here for an interview with Tatsu Aoki about Re-ROOTED: The Untold Story of Tokyo Shamisen Music
April 15, 2009
Click here to see an interview with Melody Takata, director of Shimenawa
April 15, 2009
Click here to see an interview with Poet Genny Lim and her work "Pilgrimage"
March 31, 2009
Most of the concepts for this show have been cultivated over the last year of my life. After moving to San Francisco from my grandparents house in San Diego I became overwhelmingly aware that I had been living a life in which I was mostly looking and trying to create happiness but very rarely experiencing
March 31, 2009
We are very excited to perform our first evening of work in San Francisco since relocating here from NYC in 2007. We will be showing the new quartet "Wide Time", a collaboration with musician Jason Hoopes and video artist Loren Robertson, "Dark Matters" (premiered NYC 2007), "Veiling" (premiered SF 2008 with a sound installation performed
March 25, 2009
Shimenawa is a beautifully crafted dance theater piece that showcased last fall at Counterpulse. This refined version has the classic feel of Kabuki and Noh theater with a modern overlay of sensibility and substance. It's ritual theater expressed in poetry, music and dance with a tight ensemble, Melody Takata has performed with over the years, including local treasure, Sensei Nakajima, the foremost sax player composer,
March 25, 2009
"Save SF Japantown" was on a sign held by a community member on the steps of SF City Hall in 2006 as we faced the devastating news that Kintentsu was selling 6 key properties. We simultaneously celebrated the Centenial of SF Japantown, one of the last three Japantowns in the United States. Japanese Americans have
March 21, 2009
Hey Gang, Here comes some of the Dance Discourse. Rachel Howard http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/03/21/DD3S16K77V.DTL&type=performance Allan Ulrich http://www.voiceofdance.com/v1/features.cfm/1708/Spellbinder-Jess-Curtis-Gravity708.html Allan somehow totally misses the fact that the piece is a co-creation by Maria and myself. Hard to trust his reading of the piece (even when it's super positive) if he can't read the program. We're having a great time
March 19, 2009
Contemporary World Dance: Napoles Ballet Theatre & Friends presented a refreshing, powerful and culturally enriching affirmation this past weekend at CounterPULSE. Contemporary World Dance: Napoles Ballet Theatre & Friends brought together a fun and distinct mix of dance companies to produce an amazing piece beloved by all. Comment about the show below.
March 19, 2009
As I train my student Rebecca for her june bharatanatyam performance, and when I see that there is a 'performing in the diaspora' series planned for the future at counterpulse, it seems to me that it might be nice if audiences knew more about the abundance of bharatanatyam here in the bay area. After all,
March 18, 2009
What a lovely intimate space and that long long stage! Came in to counterpulse meet H. last friday in all that golden sunshine, and the wind!, "through the velvet leaves, the wind" and sign my papers for Rebecca's BN perf in the last week of June. In large auditoriums, I always think, what a pity
March 17, 2009
Dateline March 17th- Hello counterPULSE blog-o-sphere- We've loaded into the Theater over the weekend, turned everything white and are getting ready for Thursday's opening. Maria and Julie (Phelps, our admin. and CP's head house manager) have curated a really beautiful gallery exhibit in the front hall. Please check it out and leave us