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June 5, 2009
Dances for the Next Depression Stephen Pelton Dance Theater Thurs.-Sat. June 11-13, 8pm Sun. June 14, 7pm, $20 (Members $15) Depression? Again?? SPDT’s sixteenth annual home season will see you through with the premiere of Sugarfoot Stomp. Created in collaboration with playwright-in-residence Brian Thorstenson, this new dance will be performed to the irresistible sounds of
June 3, 2009
This has been a season of firsts for me and the company: our first gallery installation in May, our first time at CounterPULSE, my first truly whimsical, comic dance—and now my first time out blogging. I’m the kind of person who re-writes and re-punctuates texts messages before sending them, so the idea of publishing my
June 2, 2009
The essence of the esthetics of Indonesian dance, and that particularly from the islands of Java and Bali, can be explained through three words: wirama, and wirasa. Wirama means the harmony and internal rhythm of the movement. Wiraga is the intensity and fullness of the movement not in term of its external power, but more along the lines of being filled with chi (in Chinese) or prana (Sanskrit). Soft and delicate movement can be wiraga while movement that is seemingly strong and powerful can lack it altogether. Wirasa is the feeling of the movement. The word “feeling” here is used not in sense of emotion or passion, but in term of the sensation when emotion and mental construct are set aside.
June 2, 2009
If I were being safe I would say my art form is Haitian Folkloric Dance, then I would expound on it. However this would not be absolutely accurate. I am Haitian blooded African American raised in the United States by Haitian immigrants...."black". The two cultures are quite distinct yet share a "way","taste", "movement". This gives
June 2, 2009
Mexican folk dance has been a part of California since the the late 18th century. In those days the itinerant dance "maestro" went from Rancho to Rancho teaching the latest European dance fads to a multigeneretional clientele. When the Californios held their "meriendas" and "bailes", this was the perfect opportunity for every elegible bachelor and
June 2, 2009
Colonialism does strange things to a culture. Ignoring one’s own indigenous “ordinary” culture, and blindly imitating others’ “legitimate” culture is one of them. It takes years and a lot of efforts before a culture realizes its self-worth during the post-colonial journey. At present, urban culture in India and Indian diaspora around the world is undergoing
June 1, 2009
This week, I frantically drove to a graffiti exhibit and documentary screening in Downtown Los Angeles of the movie "GraffLife" directed by Randy DeVol. It follows the secret night missions and on the run daytime activities of urban taggers living in my home and city. I thought I was late; this was one of the
May 31, 2009
Fri.-Sun. May 22-24, Thurs.-Sun. May 28-31, 8pm, $20 $25 at the door) Macho Ballads; dances with aggressive overtones & romantic undertones. New works & the recent Litquake collaboration with writer, Michelle Tea--“an aesthetic-pleasure-overload fantasy” SF CHRONICLE. The dances for 10 men & premiere with world class jugglers will rock. Buy Tickets Now!
May 31, 2009
from brittany: (www.danceceres.org) In this work, I am reminded how many times it takes an idea/concept to enter the body before it actually sinks into to my bones? Some times a feeling is instantaneous- other times it takes years to absorb and safely reside. How long does a new experience rest quietly in the bones
May 30, 2009
What is guqin? The guqin, a seven-stringed zither, is China’s oldest stringed instrument with a documented history of about 3,000 years. It became part of a tradition cultivated by Chinese scholars and literati and has been associated with philosophers, sages, and emperors since the time of Confucius. Perhaps because of this illustrious history, following the
May 29, 2009
What is kathak? Kathak is a unique dance form which incorporates rhythmic virtuosity, compelling storytelling, poetry, recitation, song, swift and subtle movement, and a rich philosophy whose roots extend thousands of years. In 1992, I enrolled in a Kathak class at SFSU with world-renowned master, Pandit Chitresh Das. Little did I know the vast ocean
May 28, 2009
Wow! I can honestly say I have never been so turned on by a group of men before. I don't mean this in any strictly sexual way, after all I tend to label myself as a straight male, but the essence of these pieces delves so much deeper than the visceral. It was poetic to