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October 28, 2009
(co-sponsored by Nature in the City) Wed. Oct. 28, Free What is going to be accomplished by "cap-and-trade?" How is global warming being co-opted by corporate power? What are equitable approaches involving local communities? How are the effects of climate change already appearing on the planet's and the Bay Area's ecosystems? What is the relationship
October 26, 2009
On October 15, 2009 a group of Bay Area artists, arts administrators and audience members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project 7: Dancing Diaspora. Co-presented by World Arts West/ San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival and Dancers' Group the event was a part of the Fall 2009 season of Performing Diaspora. Learn more about
October 23, 2009
On October 15, 2009 a group of Bay Area artists, arts administrators and audience members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project 7: Dancing Diaspora. Co-presented by World Arts West/ San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival and Dancers' Group the event was a part of the Fall 2009 season of Performing Diaspora. Learn more about
October 23, 2009
On October 15, 2009 a group of Bay Area artists, arts administrators and audience members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project 7: Dancing Diaspora. Co-presented by World Arts West/ San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival and Dancers' Group the event was a part of the Fall 2009 season of Performing Diaspora . Learn more
October 23, 2009
On October 15, 2009 a group of Bay Area artists, arts administrators and audience members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project 7: Dancing Diaspora. Co-presented by World Arts West/San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival and Dancers’ Group, the event was a part of the Fall 2009 season of Performing Diaspora. Learn more about Performing
October 23, 2009
Oct. 23-25, 8pm, $20 The dances of “Rest for the Constant Traveler” incorporate many disparate qualities; lyricism with physical athleticism, tenderness married with humor, moments of stillness infused with chaos. Movement, theater and film propel you into adventures with a novel view on life. Join DCSF on journeys of the mind, body and spirit. brownpapertickets.com
October 22, 2009
Dance Discourse 7: Discussion of “How does one’s identity give access to or create limitations on the use of traditional forms? What are the burdens…what are the freedoms?” On October 15, 2009 a group of Bay Area artists, arts administrators and audience members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project 7: Dancing Diaspora. Co-presented
October 22, 2009
With Performing Diaspora fast-approaching, some of the artists took a break from the stage and headed over to KPFA's radio studios in Berkeley for a musical sneak-preview of their work on Stephen Kent's show, "Music of the World." In between tracks, our Executive Director Jessica Robinson Love joined them in the conversation about their performances
October 21, 2009
Wed. Oct. 21, 7:30pm, Free 17 years of Critical Mass and 10,000 members of the Bike Coalition?… what’s right, what’s not with the way bicycling and bicycling politics is developing at the end of the first decade of the 21st century? A broad discussion of bicycle etiquette, transportation and urban design, equipment and safety (good
October 18, 2009
Sun. Oct. 18, 11am-2pm: Charlotte Moraga, & Devendra Sharma Sun. Oct. 24, 11am-2pm: Opal Palmer Adisa, Colette Eloi, and Adia Whitaker Sun. Oct. 24, 2-5pm: Yannis Adoniou, Catherine Clambaneva, and Leonidas Kassapides; Wang Fei; and Danica Sena Gakovich Three groups of artists present work to be shown in November at CounterPULSE’s Performing Diaspora Festival. This
October 17, 2009
Sat. Oct. 17, Noon, $15-50 sliding scale to benefit Shaping SF This trip through San Francisco's lost sand dunes, ponds, creeks and coastline will focus on the city south of downtown and SOMA, traversing the Mission, Mission Bay, Potrero Hill, Bayview, and the southeast coastline, including several new public parks. It's a social, historical and
October 15, 2009
Presented by CounterPULSE, World Arts West/ San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival and Dancers' Group Thurs. Oct. 15, 7:30pm, Free Join us for a lively discussion tackling some of the questions and ideas posed by Performing Diaspora. Questions include: What is tradition? What is innovation? What is preservation? How does one’s identity give access to or