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May 4, 2010
May Day certainly ended with a bang on Sunday night: a spectacular - and completely sold out - revue of some of the Bay Area's favorite dance superstars. From high fashion to vicious food fights, the audience was kept entertained and impressed throughout the evening. Thank you to everyone who came out to May Day
May 1, 2010
Tonight's Happening - the most interactive and least predictable evening of May Day - featured a wide variety of ultracreative installations and performances, evoking a wide variety of audience reactions. Check out some of the videos to get a feel for the evening ;)
May 1, 2010
Want a taste as to what tonight's (Saturday, May 1), May Day Happening will be like? Take a peek at the map we created of CounterPULSE for this very special night. :) Tickets are still available (online until 4pm) or at the door (cash only). More details about the event are on our May Day
April 30, 2010
After an epic evening running the gamut from graphic EcoSexual demonstrations to operatic fishmongering to new political parties to Huffington Post live blogging (literally) to Argentine Tango and protests within protests, tonight's audience had plenty to react to! We captured some of this live, in the moment feedback to share with you. Even if you
April 29, 2010
Our May Day Festival got featured on the SF Guardian's Pixel Vision blog today. Caitlin Donohue gave a great write up explaining the event and sharing a bit behind why we invited certain performers. Read the post... She highlights it, but now you're wondering why would we ever invite this man for our Saturday night
April 16, 2010
2nd Sundays is a monthly dance salon put on by CounterPULSE and Dancers' Group. This month three companies performed works in progress for the purpose of seeking feedback. Please feel free to offer that feedback on their youtube videos directly if you feel so inspired! JypsyJays Productions Jenny McAllister/HMD Gretchen Garnett and Dancers
April 16, 2010
Well another year and another tour. We closed the show in Paris last night and as always it was pretty amazing. There is nothing quite like stumbling out of a theater near midnight, delirious from a combination of adrenaline, wine and exhaustion and being cast in the sparkling lights of the Eiffel Tower. It is
April 14, 2010
The staff decided to shoot a video flyer for our big fundraiser coming up in May. Felt hearts, mustard, hot choreo and iphones. Need I say more? To see the line up and by tickets visit the May Day page on our site
April 13, 2010
the beginning... my favorite part everything seems possible and the threads of connection are just barely starting to show themselves. At the beginning, I spend a lot of time drawing, painting, imagining, and (i wish less often) buying/collecting objects. the visual component of the work is hugely crucial for me. here are some preliminary paintings
April 11, 2010
Do you all remember that Baz Luhrman spoken word tone poem from the late 90's "Everybody's Free to Wear Sunscreen?" It starts "Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '97, Wear sunscreenIf I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it." Well my version, if I wrote it this week
April 6, 2010
Before getting into much let me say I am beyond humbled and thrilled and terrified and ecstatic about this residency. First, the staff at Counterpulse are amazing. This feeling of being supported is both delightful and totally foreign, but it's a feeling i could get used to. so first, and for real THANK YOU to
April 6, 2010
Writing that title makes me remember my self-scripting teacher in undergrad, Rosemary Quinn, and how she would so clearly and ritualistically STATE the date at the opening and closing of each of our sessions. It has stuck with me. And its funny, I use it for all sorts of things. When I'm having a sad