the NETWORK project
  • By: Grey Tartaglione

Posted on June 21, 2022

Directed by Krista DeNio

Created & performed by Chloe Crotzer, Diana Lara, Tanja London, Heidi Erickson, Ashley Munday, Maicha Folch, Midy Zarem, Rosemary Hannon, Grace Shaver 

Presented by KD>>MovingGround, CounterPulse, and Djerassi Resident Artists Program

July 2-3, 2022 • 4:30-7:30  PM PT

the NETWORK project addresses human survival and what we truly need– from sustainable living practices to communal engagement and empathy, as we recognize and build our resilience. Considering climate change, and the many other crises we face, the project is inspired by systems of communication, resource-sharing and survival employed by tree communities, as a lens to consider human community building.

Based on experiential research in the environs of the Djerassi land and trees our team of performers, scientists, land stewards and designers create a multi-media, audience-interactive, site-specific, experience–working with the trees, land, and site; dance, theater and installation design. This part hike, part performance journey is a tactile, embodied and we hope transformative experience that connects participants directly with trees, nature and their own bodies. Beyond this experience, the project aims to create a greater social impact by sharing research and resources with our audience participants in ways that may support their local communities.

Tickets available here 

Media Contact: Krista DeNio • • 415.994.6196

Photo credit: Hillary Goidell 

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