Muisi-kongo Malonga

28 Oct, 2014

Tuesday Testimonial

2014-10-28T13:33:04-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Muisi-kongo Malonga, Performing Diaspora|

Last week marked the 7th annual Breaking the Silence Congo Week, a global week of awareness and a call to action in the struggle for human rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I am reminded that centuries later descendants of the Kongo Kingdom are still struggling to rise up from the ashes. Mama Kimpa Vita's mission is yet unfulfilled. Her voice calls for us to stand up bravely and face the forces that would stamp out all that is sacred, all that

3 Oct, 2014

Kimpa, Laura, Marie, Amy…

2014-10-03T15:56:00-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Muisi-kongo Malonga, Performing Diaspora, Performing Diaspora Events|

As a woman of African descent, born to an African American mother and a Central African father, I believe this project reflects the uniqueness of my journey and addresses many of the questions that permeate my existence, as I seek God, and wrestle with womanhood, motherhood, Africanity, AfricanAmericanity and all of the ‘anities’ and ‘isms’ that come along with it. As I delve deeper into Mama Kimpa Vita's story, the voices of kindred mother-martyrs have turned from whispers to raised voices,  adding

15 Aug, 2013

Reflections on the journey…Kimpa Vita!

2013-08-15T18:03:43-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Muisi-kongo Malonga, Performing Diaspora|

Mama Kimpa Vita The greatest lesson I've learned through this creative process is to be still and listen, not be chained solely to my words, my thoughts, and my perspective but to get quiet enough for spirit to speak and be heard. When approaching Mama Kimpa Vita's story, I asked myself many questions... Why is she important? What about her story is relevant today? Why does her story need to be told? There are so many reasons to venerate this

11 Feb, 2013

Journey to the Kongo — The Creation of Kimpa Vita! A Solo ChoreOpera — Blog #1

2013-02-11T04:20:45-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Muisi-kongo Malonga, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , , , , , |

I am not sure I can ever recall feeling such an urgent and bone-deep calling to tell a story, or a desire to delve deeply into myself in order to craft a new work in dance, music and theater. Of course, like any other artist, I have experienced both sudden shudders and slow simmers of inspiration, but my latest work, and first venture into the realm of solo performance, falls outside of the aforementioned experiences. This new creation, Kimpa Vita!

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