
21 Mar, 2013

Yesterday and yesterday and yesterday

2016-03-18T22:47:52-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Miriam Wolodarski|Tags: |

Tomorrow was today. This morning I found some of last week's thoughts. And though we open TONIGHT! and time is a jetplane, I'm still crawling around on hands and feet. So here they are, last weeks thoughts, still fresh:   "A major chance operation crept into the show. Stormed in, I should say, with muddy, bloody, war-like little booties. Why? — It certainly wasn’t part of the original plan. Is this a moralistic metaphor about the sick absurdity of a death

17 Mar, 2013

What’s it about?

2016-03-18T22:48:07-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Miriam Wolodarski|Tags: |

It’s about capitalist self-censorship, and whether or not I can feel it in my kidneys. It's about having nothing to say and saying it, as if John Cage needed our poetry, too. About our eternal need for snacks to feed the phantom limbs. About rhetorical silence, felt silence. dead silence. Freedom protection. —That won't sell— Diffidence v. deference. If deference wins, deference v. différance. The show is about the fact that though I know I’ve looked it up on more

14 Mar, 2013

Nudes Flash

2013-03-14T00:39:22-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

I'm debating whether to get naked in our upcoming show, Twindependent. I'm waiting to hear if my collaborator agrees with me that we should. I emailed her about an hour ago when I got the "nudes flash;" the vision. It was debated at our last WIP (work in progress) showing. A male friend wanted to see nudity in-the-flesh to offset the voyeuristic feeling nudity in a film gave him. Nudity in the film alone made him uncomfortable. "Considering the amount

10 Mar, 2013

Starting State

2013-03-10T19:24:07-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , |

As soon as I started scripting material for State, I shifted its context by taking it outside. The Djerassi Ranch in Woodside (where I was in residency last May) invites that kind of play, of course, and offers innumerable sites to take advantage of. Here is a short blip from one such adventure: Funsch launch of State: Not Anywhere Near to Now from Christy Funsch on Vimeo.

7 Mar, 2013

The dancer’s body: A space of resistance?

2013-03-07T22:14:13-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

  The Goethe-Institut San Francisco supports Isabelle Schad's research work for her new production COLLECTIVE JUMPS and has also initiated an artist talk on the CounterPULSE stage that will bring together the Berlin & San Francisco Dance Scene on March 13, 2013. Furthermore Isabelle Schad and Laurent Goldring will show one piece out of the performance series UNTURTLED. This series deals with the costume as a transitional object: at once a prosthesis of the missing last layer of the body,

3 Mar, 2013


2013-03-03T22:07:31-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: |

  "UNTURTLED might suggest a removal of the shell from the turtle’s back to reveal what is hidden beneath. The work of Isabelle Schad and Laurent Goldring, however, doesn’t allow us to peep under the cover. On the contrary, the body is disappearing almost completely underneath the moving accessory that nevertheless exposes its movements as materiality. It appears almost as if the clothes are moving by themselves; in elongations, expansions and contractions, condensations flatulences and tightenings produced by the puffs

26 Feb, 2013

Jesse Zaritt on “You’re Me”

2016-04-07T01:43:24-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Faye Driscoll|Tags: , , |

Jesse Zaritt, my co-performer in You're Me, recently wrote an essay on the work which can be found in full on Culturebot: "What is at stake in Faye’s work – especially the duet You’re Me – is a question of how far the performance of self can be extended. What kind of radical intervention could break open a space in the social fabric that will give us back some choice, the possibility to be other than who we have been

19 Feb, 2013

Chinese Classical Dance VS. Peking Opera

2013-02-19T16:07:38-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Jia Wu, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , |

Peking opera is a form of traditional Chinese theater which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics. It arose in the late 18th century and became fully developed by the mid-19 century. At the beginning of establishment of Communist China in 1949, China is alike an old and tattered house in which all basic industries could not be operated. After undergoing eight-years of the World War Second and a four-year civil war, every institution needed to be rebuilt in

18 Feb, 2013

Why dance?

2013-02-18T16:33:54-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Joti Singh, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , |

As I tackle multiple projects at the same time, feeling the anxiety of deadlines, reaching for my own expectations of greatness, and fighting the apprehension of failure, I have come back to the fundamental question for me: Why dance? Why the heck would anyone give up luxury, money, fancy job titles, and above all laziness and give everything to dance? Why dance? My answer, in short: Transformation.Dance is transformation. I am in the lucky position to see this on a daily

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