
23 Aug, 2008

CONTRA-TIEMPO – two days at CounterPULSE – Don’t miss out!

2008-08-23T06:07:14-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

“I Dream America,” a powerful statement, through dance, about immigration, Katrina, and an exploration of boundaries (who’s in and who’s out) will be performed at CounterPULSE on August 29th and 30th - Fri./Sat. at 8:00 p.m. by the acclaimed Los Angeles Urban Latin dance theater company CONTRA-TIEMPO. “‘I Dream America” represents the kind of socially aware contemporary work that only a few dance artists such as Bill T. Jones reliably provide.” — Los Angeles Times “A passionately delivered performance communicates

19 Aug, 2008

Video of Buried in The Body Of Rememberance/Enterrada en El Cuerpo DeL Recuerdo

2008-08-19T22:09:02-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Events, Video|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

View Video This is a montage of part one of Part 1 of Border Tryp(Tych) by Secos Y Mojados. The Piece is about the experiences, emotions, memories, and the moment an immigrant leaves their country and crosses the border. it features the voice and testimonial of the David's mother, Rosa Molina. Soundtrack: David Molina Video Projections and Set: Victor Cartagena Performance: Violeta Luna Direction and editing: Roberto Varea & Victor Cartagena enjoy david molina-composer/musician for Secos y Mojados

12 Aug, 2008

MUSA: modern dance and live music Sat 16th 8:30pm

2008-08-12T02:07:26-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , |

MUSA is where modern dance meets emotive prog-rock, and the dancers and musicians tell personal, archetypal and universal stories reaching forward and backward in time. MUSA is also where the musicians and dancers communicate across the divides of their chosen mediums, entwining and unwinding again and again, searching for the perfect expression, and the most fulfilling communication. MUSA is on tour from Olympia, Washington, down the West Coast to Santa Cruz and back.

10 Aug, 2008

A Body Parted/Un cuerpo partido by Resident Artist Violeta Luna

2008-08-10T20:25:45-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Tijuana – California Border, 2005 / Frontera Tijuana-California, 2005, photo Roberto Varea Antes que nada quiero decir que me siento privilegiada estar como artista en residencia en CounterPULSE. El equipo artístico y técnico no sólo tienen un trato amable contigo sino que desarrollan su trabajo de manera muy profesional, dandote la oportunidad de que te enfoques en el trabajo creativo. First of all I’d like to say that I feel priviledged to be an artists in residence at CounterPULSE. The

9 Aug, 2008

Ladies Please Post!

2008-08-09T00:16:23-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , |

"Truth Tellers: Dances for Newspapers, Scales and Lady Justice" a collaboration with Jo Kreiter/Flyaway Productions and Oasis for Girls We wanted to give Oasis for Girls participants a place to post their experiences through the creative process. Young Ladies Against Lies please share your stories! Cultivating Generations of Strong, Empowered, and Creative Women Our Vision: Oasis for Girls cultivates generations of strong and creative women who realize their potential, live healthy lives and make a positive impact in their communities.

7 Aug, 2008

Bibliography Entry

2008-08-07T06:16:22-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , |

I'm working on 3 nights of shows coming up in a month at CounterPULSE and I'm trying to take in a lot of information that can help me focus on my work and give me inspiration. Last night I watched a stand-up comedy DVD with my friend called “Axis of Evil.” Three of the comedians identified as Palestinian or of Palestinian heritage and the other as Iranian or Purr-sian. Most of the jokes centered on airport security, having Moslem last

23 Jun, 2008

ARTIST+NUDE= Benefit Art Sale, Auction and Raffle

2008-06-23T01:10:55-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Events, Homepage Links|

Join us Friday, June 27, 2008 for... ARTIST+NUDE= Benefit Art Sale, Auction and Raffle of Original Nude Art Hosted by Peaches Christ and Nudist Volunteers. On Friday June 27, CounterPULSE and Marrvelous Films presents ARTIST+NUDE= an art sale, auction and raffle of original nude art and photography made exclusively for the funding of "Faerie," a documentary that chronicles the history of contributions imbued by mankind by queer people – and the injustices they face today. The evening will feature original drawings, paintings and photography from artists

21 Jun, 2008

Kirk Read’s Comments on Dynasty Handbag & Taylor Mac

2008-06-21T22:25:25-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Kirk Read ("How I Learned to Snap"), pictured left, wrote these comments after seeing Alone Together At Last: Dynasty Handbag & Taylor Mac, two shows in repertory at CounterPULSE through Sunday... This was one of those rare nights in the theater where you feel grateful to be alive, to be sharing oxygen and living in these apocalyptic endtimes. Taylor Mac and Dynasty Handbag are a wonderful complement to each other -- I'd highly recommend seeing both in a single night.

20 Jun, 2008

$12 Tickets to The Be(a)st of Taylor Mac This Weekend

2008-06-20T22:32:28-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , |

A limited number of $12 tickets are available for advance ticket buyers at  Just use the code queen to receive $8 off the general admission ticket price to Taylor's show.  "The Be(a)st of Taylor Mac plays at 8p tonight (Friday); 10p Saturday; and 8p on Sunday. If you're not familiar with Taylor, check out the links below to view online videos: Taylor Mac at SF MOMA Taylor Mac & Novice Theory Performing in LA You can also visit Taylor

2 Jun, 2008

The Mapping Project: June 6-8

2008-06-02T17:15:02-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Events, Images|Tags: |

The Mapping Project Navarrete x Kajiyama & Element Dance Theater SF International Arts Festival, Fri-Sun June 6-8, 8pm, $20 (tickets here) As a part of "The Mapping Project" performance, coming to CounterPulse June 6-8, I'm creating some digital prints that illustrate stories that come from some of the dancers. We've interviewed the dancers about the experiences of their grandparents, relating to the second world war. Going back two generations, the family lines of these Bay-Area based dancers get flung pretty

21 May, 2008

Winter Artist in Residence Showing: Violeta Luna

2008-05-21T00:42:52-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Winter Artist in Residence Showing: Violeta Luna Burried in  the Body of Remembrance/ Enterrada en el Cuerpo del Recuerdo Wed. May 21 8pm Free for CP Members only Part one of a "border trilogy" on immigrant issues, by the interdisciplinary collective of immigrant artists "Secos & Mojados" the piece aims to develop a language for a more nuanced expression of the place that "the migrant" occupies in an inclusive social imaginary. Buried in the Body of Rememberance explores an immigrant's

15 May, 2008

Liz Lerman’s Critical Response

2008-05-15T00:01:39-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Liz Lerman is a choreographer who after years of discussing dance with fellow artists, began to devise a method to effectively provide feedback about artistic work. It's something that CounterPULSE's Executive Director Jessica Robinson is well-versed. I've decided to include it here. The following comes from You can also visit Liz's website Liz Lerman Dance Exchange, to learn more about the process and to purchase her The Critical Response Process. Toward a Process for Critical Response See Original Source

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