
15 Aug, 2009

Live from Riser Rebuild

2009-08-15T16:37:06-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Video, Volunteers|Tags: , , |

Hi friends, This is Jez here, Board Prez of CounterPULSE. Last week Lily wrote a blog post about our exciting new riser rebuild. If you're interested in helping out, contact Julie at 415.626.2060 or via email (julie [@] to find out more! I just got back into town and decided to stop by and join the volunteers to help with the rebuild. Here's some quick photos I took to share with you. But first, an introduction by CounterPULSE Board

13 Aug, 2009

Riser Rebuild

2009-08-13T17:39:10-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Images|Tags: |

Last weekend, a small group of volunteers, including yours truly, carefully demolished the old risers at CounterPULSE. Having never used a power drill before, and in the company of those who have, I faked my way through the day, unscrewing, de-nailing, and generally having a blast. Apparently, I have a knack. The cool part of deconstructing the risers was seeing how much care had gone into building them in the first place! Everything was carefully put together, thus making it

4 Aug, 2009


2009-08-04T20:21:52-07:00By |Categories: Adia Tamar Whitaker, CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , |

middle (line) Look fast. Move slow. The ground is on fire, but I don't worry myself with that anymore. If I was at home I would ask if the fumes were toxic. Now, toxic is relative and intersections are the eye of the storm. In Ghana, 'Nature' is the holy book that tells people what to do and how to do it. The land is Jesus. The people his disciples. Judas is the juju that prevents progress, but holds the

29 Jul, 2009

Ayelo yeku daba

2009-07-29T11:21:58-07:00By |Categories: Adia Tamar Whitaker, CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , |

beginning (circle) kokou katamani When I first formed my company, Ase Dance Theatre Collective, Kokou Katamani taught us a song. I'll never forget that he came all the way from California just to perform in one of my pieces. I was a student at The Ailey School then and it was my first time living away from home. Colette Eloi, Kimberly Anderson and Sekou Alaje came as well. For folks to roll all the way out to the East Coast just to

21 Jul, 2009

Shaping San Francisco’s New Wiki

2009-07-21T02:33:15-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Homepage Links|Tags: , , | is Shaping San Francisco's new wiki. Found San Francisco is a living archive of the city providing people with access to its lost history. Hundreds of people have contributed stories, photos, video oral histories and more. Our project shows that history is much more than Richter scales and gold rushes. Browse the archive by Decade, Neighborhood, Population or Theme. FoundSF is a collaboration between Shaping San Francisco, San Francisco Museum and Historical Society, and you!

21 Jul, 2009

Special Rental Discount

2009-07-21T02:23:50-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Homepage Links|Tags: , |

CounterPULSE is offering a special 20% discount on July and August 2009 evening event & performance bookings! Please visit our online rental calendar to check availability and submit a rental request form to reserve space today! Now is also the time to book for events in the upcoming Fall 2009 Season! The CounterPULSE printed calendar deadline is rapidly approaching on July 15, so act quickly! We look forward to hearing from you!

29 Jun, 2009

The Myal Healer

2009-06-29T16:24:58-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Images, Opal Palmer Adisa, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , , , |

I was in Jamaica a few weeks ago interviewing both academics and healers who are in some way affiliated with Myal or the practice of healing. I also spent time at the African -Caribbean library there pouring over and through literature on Myal and  its evolution. I made several discoveries, and was able to photograph some of the basic herbs used in the practice. Tony, a RASTA Brethren, connection to the land and ancestry is undeniable.   Tony is a

29 Jun, 2009

It’s like the classic “Russian Doll”

2009-06-29T01:09:13-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Danica Sena Gakovich, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , , |

I'm sure that most of you are familiar with the traditional wooden Russian Doll.  It opens up like a box to find another exact replica inside (only smaller) and then yet another, and another, etc.  The more I research, the more I find and the plethora of information slowly seeps into my initial ideas.  This is how I am feeling at the moment within my own creative process regarding "Koreni".  It is so funny how ideas in the brain and

24 Jun, 2009

“Ampey!”, line, circle, he(r)art

2009-06-24T03:46:36-07:00By |Categories: Adia Tamar Whitaker, CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , , |

line "the concepts that shape ..." are where I'd have to begin ... better yet, "SHAPE!" is where I'd have to begin if you REALLY want to talk about what we do as folklorists, performers, teachers, students etc. This residency is an opportunity for us to build new models of discussion, exploration, and experimentation around folkloric based performance art forms. It's an opportunity for us to examine the methods of assessment that already exist inside of tradition as opposed to

18 Jun, 2009

Undine and You Don’t Know Jack – sold-out shows?

2009-06-18T16:32:17-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Hi from Anson and the Carpetbag Brigade, If you want to see two fun, disturbing physical theater shows in a double bill, you should buy a ticket in advance! We have generated a huge amount of interest at the Network of Ensemble Theatres Summit, happening in SF this week, and they are snapping up our tickets. We may well sell out both nights. It's not a bad problem to have, and I wanted to pass on this news to you,

18 Jun, 2009

Sorry to have been out of the loop! Ana Maria and CONTRA-TIEMPO are back!

2009-06-18T01:35:32-07:00By |Categories: Ana Maria Alvarez, CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , , |

We have been in 'production mode' - and I apologize to my fellow Performing Diaspora Familia - our production went up - it was a success - and I am now ready to be on board!! We are gearing up for a tour to Cuba in July - there we will be training with two phenomenal Cuban companies - Narcisco Medina Danza Contemporania in La Habana and Cutumba Baile Foklorico in Santiago de Cuba. We will be presenting work (from

10 Jun, 2009

Weird Physical Theater in the Mendocino hinterlands

2009-06-10T12:22:15-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: |

It’s not exactly a “dance barn” – no animals were ever kept up in the rehearsal space, there aren’t any bales of hay – but when I tried to think of a name for this place, that’s what first came to mind.  We are in the Mendocino back-country, full of nervous ganja farmers, far enough outside Willits that no one hears us but the bullfrogs and the crickets.  This place is off the grid.  We all sleep on futons on

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