
27 Oct, 2010

“Home Cookin’” Food Party @ CounterPULSE was deep…

2016-03-18T22:36:44-07:00By |Categories: Amara Tabor Smith, Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

So this past Sunday it was raining in the Bay Area. Cold and wet. But that afternoon at CounterPULSE in San Francisco, an intimate crew of folks braved the rain, brought food, shared stories and ate together. The topic was, “what are the factors that support or prevent us from cooking meals on a regular basis”. What I am finding about food is, no matter what the topic might be, the food will direct the path of discussion. Most of

26 Oct, 2010

People ….

2010-10-26T21:10:25-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

For when it is over, the great shrinking begins, the tightness in my chest comes back, the rock sinks down to the bottom, the humming bird takes flight once more. The ghosts will once again laugh, cry and whisper stories into my eyes. I will again become no one walking in the maze. No money. No face. A forgotten moment celebrated by those who where there. A body that was first in the dungeon ... then on the boat, dying, surviving,

25 Oct, 2010

Birth of A New Mission Suhani

2010-10-25T20:47:48-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Devendra Sharma, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , , |

After the first Work-in-Progress show, I worked with my Nautanki troupe on the suggestions given to us by the audience members and our friends at CounterPULSE, incorporating them into our second Work-in-Progress show. The changes have definitely made our piece more effective, and it now flows more smoothly. In addition, as a result of the integration of the feedback, the piece itself is more accessible to American audiences. The feedback session after our second Work-in-Progress show was once again a

21 Oct, 2010

Notes from Dance Discourse Project #9

2010-10-21T15:13:17-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

On October 18, 2010 Bay Area arts community members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project #9: Dance and Somatics in the Bay Area – what’s the connection. Co-presented by Dancers’ Group the event looked at how somatic practices and dance are interwined in the Bay Area. To learn more visit At the event participants were broken up into small groups where they discussed a variety of pertinent issues. Below is one person’s account of the discussions led

21 Oct, 2010

Notes From Dance Discourse Project #9: The internal practice informs the external world

2010-10-21T08:27:32-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

On October 18, 2010 Bay Area arts community members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project #9: Dance and Somatics in the Bay Area--What's the Connection? Co-presented by Dancers' Group the event looked at how somatic practices and dance are intertwined in the Bay Area. To learn more visit At the exciting event participants were broken up into small groups where they discussed a variety of pertinent issues. Below is Maureen Walsh's account of the discussions led by Anne Bluethenthal and Lisa Wymore about the

20 Oct, 2010

Notes from Dance Discourse #9

2010-10-20T12:29:05-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , |

On October 18, 2010 Bay Area arts community members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project #9: Dance and Somatics in the Bay Area-- what's the connection. Co-presented by Dancers' Group the event looked at how somatic practices and dance are intertwined in the Bay Area. To learn more visit At the exciting event participants were broken up into small groups where they discussed a variety of pertinent issues. Below is one person's account of the discussions based

19 Oct, 2010

Notes from Dance Discourse 9: Discussions of the Practice

2010-10-19T12:51:52-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , |

On October 18, 2010 Bay Area arts community member met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project #9: Dance and Somatics in the Bay Area—what’s the connection. Co-presented by Dancers’ Group the event looked at how somatic practices and dance are intertwined in the Bay Area. To learn more visit At the exciting event participants were broken up into small groups where they discussed a variety of pertinent issues. Below is one person’s account of the discussions led by

19 Oct, 2010

Notes from Dance Discourse 9 : Living, Training, Tracking

2010-10-19T11:37:46-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

On October 18, 2010 Bay Area arts community members met at CounterPULSE for the Dance Discourse Project #9: Dance and Somatics in the Bay Area-- what's the connection.  Co-presented by Dancers' Group the event looked at how somatic practices and dance are intertwined in the Bay Area.  To learn more visit At the exciting event participants were broken up into small groups where they discussed a variety of pertinent issues.  Below is one person's account of the discussions. Many

18 Oct, 2010

Today’s the deadline for voter registration!

2010-10-18T13:42:20-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Back in August, CounterPULSE joined a long list of sponsors to support Arts Forum 2010. Since then, the discussion about the role of arts in our community has grown in breadth and depth. With Election Day less than a month away, we're excited to see the growing focus on arts in local politics. Arts Forum has now received arts platforms from 18 candidates for office. With today being the last day to register to vote, we'd like to encourage all

11 Oct, 2010

Dancing on Glass ends at CounterPULSE/2 more shows at Red Poppy!

2010-10-11T21:19:06-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , |

Dear Friends, We just finished 3 successful shows of Dancing on Glass @CounterPULSE! A big 'Thank You' to our team of designers, actors, volunteers, friends who came to see the show and the CounterPULSE staff! We had a chance to get the show on it's feet without the luxury of previews and a full run. We have 2 additional shows at Red Poppy on Thurs. October 14 7 PM & Fri. October 15 8 PM ( We hope to see

10 Oct, 2010


2010-10-10T23:01:31-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora, Sri Susilowati|Tags: , , , , |

Creating work means following feelings as far as one can as well as using accumulated technique to express those feelings.  There is an interaction between the feeling and technique, and each feeds the other.  Unless it is a set classical piece, learned technique may not match the feeling/meaning/expression that is desired.  So, one has to experiment.  For me, the starting point is in the classical training I received.  Because the expressive range is so rich, I feel that it is

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