
24 Feb, 2012

KickStarter & indifference

2016-03-18T21:43:48-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Lisa Townsend|Tags: , , , , , |

Hello Everyone, Right now my shared winter residency at CounterPULSE is in full swing and my performers & I are feeling really good about where we are in the process of creating this piece.  We've been working & playing hard in the studio making relevant material and out on the streets & beach shooting video footage.  As we approach our final weeks of editing and shaping what we have into a compelling, succinct piece I am also turning my attention

21 Feb, 2012

Summer 2012 Artists in Residence announced

2012-02-21T17:20:33-08:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

It is with great pleasure that I announce CounterPULSE's newest Artist in Residence, Xandra Ibarra (AKA La Chica Boom) and Seth Eisen! Xandra's subtle yet biting use of satire destabilizes images of authenticity. Seth's unique brand of dazzling storytelling reconnects us with lost queer wisdom. Together these works will make you question who you are and where you came from, all the while dazzling you with costumes, drag, burlesque and puppetry. You're sure to leave out the in-door and not

15 Feb, 2012

It’s 2012…Let’s EAT!!!!!

2016-03-18T22:34:51-07:00By |Categories: Amara Tabor Smith, CounterPULSE|Tags: , |

Happy New Year of the Dragon! We are mid way through the first month of 2012 and have arrived in this New year of the Water Dragon… The Dragon year is special as it represents prosperity and abundance. Typically in our society the idea of prosperity leads us to think about money. But ultimately Prosperity is about food. It is about being able to eat. You cannot survive any significant length of time without food and you cannot eat money.So

5 Feb, 2012

Entering Underland

2016-03-18T22:15:39-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Dandelion Dancetheater, Video|

I'm thrilled to be back at CounterPULSE, about a year after our first ARC residency. The piece we created through the residency, FRIEND came out of the recent loss of one of my closest friends to a brain tumor at the beginning of our time at CounterPULSE. In working on that piece and unearthing stories about the beginning of our friendship in 11th grade I was flooded by other stories. I had met Sharon during my one year of attending

3 Feb, 2012

Quarter 4: Collaboration

2012-02-03T08:41:10-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Winter Special 2012|Tags: , , , , , , |

Special thanks to Lynn Huang for writing and contributing this post to the Murakami conversation. Lynn is one of the four talented performer/collaborators in Hotel in a Bottle, which opens next Friday!   "Portales! We’re doing portales piquitos and then portales grandes, right?” Erin asked. “Si! Si!” we replied in turn.  Despite the fact that none of us actually speak Spanish, in the context of our rehearsals, we did. The five ‘portals’ scattered around the perimeter of the stage in

30 Jan, 2012

Alexander McQueen is dead, long live the McQueen

2016-03-18T21:36:18-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Mica Sigourney|Tags: , , , |

From Savage Beauty: pg 17 "As a human being, he was far more complex, elusive and indeed more magical than any reductive media incarnation." pg 18 "...Rather than waiting for someone to disappoint he provokes them into a hostile reaction which confirms his worst suspicions and justifies his own behavior." pg 19 "It had very little to do with the clothes and more to do with him as a person. And it's fundamentally true of anybody. Any interest in the

29 Jan, 2012

Quarter 3: The music of Murakami

2012-01-29T09:56:49-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Winter Special 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

If Murakami's works came to life, and you could suddenly take a stroll through them, chances are music would be everywhere. Chauffeured in a car, you would hear "the classical strains of Chopin." In the bathroom of Denny's, Hall & Oates' I can't go for that would be playing. And jazz would fit into the small spaces everywhere else. I knew when I started this piece, music would figure in significantly to it, and my musical selections might not match

26 Jan, 2012

To the Singers of Tales Rehearsal at CounterPULSE

2012-01-26T10:38:45-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Winter Special 2012|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

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