
20 Jan, 2013

Rapunzel reads the news

2016-03-18T22:48:51-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Miriam Wolodarski|Tags: , , , |

Sitting at the window, I repeat to myself: the project is to grapple with my inability to comprehend or speak about my world. From my castle, my ivory tower, my highest, whitest horse, I can read all about it — 87 are dead in Aleppo, 26 in Connecticut— all safely within view, and unreachable.  Next to me, a book about a genocide my very own family survived. Somewhere on the horizon, my very own death, at a considered and clinical distance.  Far.

16 Jan, 2013

Further reflections on Poets Theater

2013-01-16T10:53:06-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Events|

Small Press Traffic's 12th Annual Poets Theater Festival, held this January 18th and 19th at CounterPulse, both continues and refreshes a tradition of poets theater in the Bay Area's literary communities that dates back at least to the Berkeley and San Francisco Renaissances of the 40s and 50s -- with roots in experimental modernist theater, vaudeville, 19th century tableaux, Greek drama, and a sometimes baffling array of other sources. Through the past several years of this often ad hoc and participatory, sometimes confounding,

11 Jan, 2013

Reflections on SPT’s Poets Theater by David Buuck

2013-01-11T15:48:46-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

Twelve years ago, in collaboration with New Langton Arts and the (sadly missed) Jon Sims Performing Arts Center, Small Press Traffic helped organize a Poets Theater festival, with several plays and panels in multiple locations around San Francisco. Though initially intended to be a one-time celebration of plays from the 80s and 90s, several younger poets were inspired to re-animate the tradition, and the annual SPT Poets Theater fest was born. Under the ambitious leadership of Elizabeth Treadwell Jackson, and with

10 Dec, 2012


2012-12-10T12:33:39-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Events|Tags: , , , , |

Hello incredible CounterPULSE community from former CounterPULSE interns Sarah Ashkin and Brittany Delany, and curators of Oakland based arts program GROUND SERIES.  GROUND SERIES is a meeting place for artists to experiment with interdisciplinary investigation in a grassroots community arts model. This winter GROUND SERIES can be found at its usual home of the Temescal Arts Center on 2nd THURSDAYS of December, January, and February. We've found inspiration for our winter programming from our recent experiences in art making, presenting,

10 Dec, 2012

richien: Twindependent: CounterPULSE

2016-03-18T22:53:59-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Jennifer Chien and Rowena Richie|Tags: , , |

Jennifer Chien and I, Rowena Richie -- a.k.a. "richien"-- have settled on a new title for our piece. After much musing, wordplaying, and a poll we announce: Twindependent, formerly known as Twinstigate. We wanted to change the title from Twinstigate in part because we are past the instigating stage of the process. As the other winter artists-in-residence, along with Miriam Wolodarski, we are now in show-mode. Here's our two-sentence show description: Inspired by both the scientific and metaphorical implications of twinship,

9 Dec, 2012


2012-12-09T23:51:52-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

We are only one week away from premiering at CounterPULSE! I am so excited for this. We have been in the rehearsal and creation process since February, which means there has been a lot of time for additional layers to join the work. WORKOUT is getting juicier and more fun all the time! The starting idea is simple: take exercise movements and string them together into choreography. But then there are all the fitness subcultures to address, the rituals, the

26 Nov, 2012

Art Workouts Showing This Saturday at 3!

2012-11-26T14:52:59-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|

*   Y o u   A r e   I n v i t e d    * Set, no set An Art Workouts Showing Saturday, December 1, 3pm CounterPULSE, 1310 Mission Street, SF $ Free With works by Alek Trail, Brianna Skellie, Lauren McKeon, Mara Poliak, Mary Lachman, Hallie Dalsimer, Jean Tarantino, and Zoe Donnelly. WOW!  Dear friends, We would like to invite you to an informal showing for Set, no set, an Art Workouts performance workshop at CounterPULSE, on Saturday, DEC

21 Nov, 2012

Interview with Sebastian Grubb on Dance and Fitness

2012-11-21T13:31:42-08:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

July 09, 2012 by James Koroni Enforced Arch ‘Mover’ and contributor, Sebastian Grubb takes life one step at a time but carries the world in his arms. Tackling fitness, nutrition and dance in one lifetime may seem overwhelming but for him, it’s done with grace. He is thrilled to share his expertise with the world and has recently launched a website where you can get the best of all three worlds in one place. I had the opportunity to

16 Nov, 2012

Of Limb & Language… we begin…

2016-03-18T22:49:21-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Miriam Wolodarski|

  This afternoon, a group of 5 experimental dance&performance people will begin rehearsals for Of Limb and Language, a 2012/13 ARC project. For my part, as the director, today marks the end of months of solo reading, dreaming, planning, and procrastinating. Thankyou CounterPULSE!!! Some tumbled thoughts I walk into the studio with…   #1 “ I’ve got your back, buddy.” Language requires trust, and sense of community. The trust required is challenged by physical reality. If you trust your buddy to protect

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