Artists in Residence

17 Mar, 2012

Dance Anywhere Interview with Lisa Townsend Co.

2016-03-18T21:42:13-07:00By |Categories: Archive, Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Images, Lisa Townsend|

  DA: You mention that indifference is based on Albert Camus' The Stranger. How did you decide to use this novel as inspiration for your performance?  LTCo: As a reflection on the absurdity of free will, indifference questions the troubling impenitence experienced by Camus' protagonist, Meursault. What if free will, which we hold so dear as a marker of individual freedom, actually engenders a lack of empathy for those around us? Does our experience of the world then simply become a series of self-affirming reactions to

1 Mar, 2012

Monique Jenkinson at the de Young

2016-03-18T22:55:47-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Monique Jenkinson|Tags: , , , , , , , |

My fellowship at the de Young Museum/Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco begins now! All year I will be working at the de Young – researching, creating, performing – enjoying this incredible opportunity to expand the scope and context of my work, to interact with the museum’s collections and curators, to ignite new collaborations, and to bring some of my favorite past collaborators with me to the museum. Starting Wed 2/15  I will begin a 2-week residency at the de

21 Feb, 2012

Summer 2012 Artists in Residence announced

2012-02-21T17:20:33-08:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

It is with great pleasure that I announce CounterPULSE's newest Artist in Residence, Xandra Ibarra (AKA La Chica Boom) and Seth Eisen! Xandra's subtle yet biting use of satire destabilizes images of authenticity. Seth's unique brand of dazzling storytelling reconnects us with lost queer wisdom. Together these works will make you question who you are and where you came from, all the while dazzling you with costumes, drag, burlesque and puppetry. You're sure to leave out the in-door and not

30 Jan, 2012

Alexander McQueen is dead, long live the McQueen

2016-03-18T21:36:18-07:00By |Categories: Artists in Residence, CounterPULSE, Mica Sigourney|Tags: , , , |

From Savage Beauty: pg 17 "As a human being, he was far more complex, elusive and indeed more magical than any reductive media incarnation." pg 18 "...Rather than waiting for someone to disappoint he provokes them into a hostile reaction which confirms his worst suspicions and justifies his own behavior." pg 19 "It had very little to do with the clothes and more to do with him as a person. And it's fundamentally true of anybody. Any interest in the

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