“All warfare is based on deception.” Sun Tzu, 6th c. B.C.
Politics is gentlemen’s warfare. But when words fail, bombs fall. WHERE IS TIBET? invites you to consider the ancient history of China and Tibet before Tibet’s occupation. It is a meditation on our human capacity to understand the nature of good and evil that exists within each of us.
Genny Lim, playwright, poet, Where is Tibet? Dec. 4-5 at CounterPULSE
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Audience members were moved by the courage and the power of this evening. Here are their reactions (in their own words!):
“In Where is Tibet? there was a good mix of history, dance, and personal stories. The artist was not afraid to take a position that may not be popular with many Chinese Americans.”
“Interesting mix of dancing, cultures, and drumming.”
“Very beautiful and powerful and emotional. Loved it.”
“Fantastic! What an amazing blend of music, dance, and theatre! Just a wonderful experience. Thanks so much!”
“I was so taken by the narrator’s passion of her journey. I couldn’t take my eyes off her expression and her intent. The story is so sad, and yet so infusing of hope. Loved this experience. I noticed the amount of similarity between the song and the dance of Tibet and China. I never knew. Amazing show.”
“The closeness of the two cultures’ dace amazes me. I see it again in this show with Japanese and Tibetan dance. The drummers blew me away and left performers in a trance. the colors of the dancers’ ribbons and their kimonos were incredible. The story so intense and revealing. The drum rhythm resonates a spirit of hope and strength in this show. What a production.”