• By: Outreach Fellow

Posted on May 4, 2016

Catching up with former Development & Special Events Fellow, Melissa Lewis

For the month of May, we’re catching up with some of our past fellows and highlighting what they’ve been up to since their time at CounterPulse. Sound like something you’re interested in? We’re currently accepting fellowship applications for the Fall 2016 session, learn more >>


Melissa Lewis – [detour dance] 2014

Fellowship: Development & Special Events, Fall 2014

School and major: University of San Francisco, BA in Performing Arts & Social Justice with a Dance Emphasis, minors in Chinese Studies, Asian Studies, and Public Service/Community Engagement!

What are you doing now? “I am on staff at Dancers’ Group (nearby!) as an Administrative Assistant—I work on In Dance, the DG print publication, social media, Bay Area Spaces, and a lot of other collaborative DG projects. I also recently have put a lot of work towards my own queer feminist dance collective, hers and hers; we just did ODC’s Pilot Program and have a show at SAFEhouse Arts on the way, May 11-12. I’m also making a dance film with TWO fellow CP Fellows, Laura Dickson and Justine Fernandez—it’s about practices of hygiene and beauty in conversation with downtown San Francisco. I am a company artist with [detour dance], and we are in an exploratory/workshopping phase this year. I have been working in coffee a lot, specifically, helping my friend’s new TL spot, called George and Lennie. I’ve also been building my body of film photography, and will have a show at Book and Job Gallery that opens May 13! It is (and has always been) a circus act of juggling as much as possible.”


Melissa Lewis and Courtney King – hers & hers

What was something you learned in your time at CounterPulse:
“My time at CP was invaluable. I learned a slew of things. How to be comfortable amidst several different creative/administrative projects. How to connect with people working in a variety of fields that have mutual interest in the performing arts; principles and practices of fundraising. How to be inspired by the resilience and urgency of what CP is doing in San Francisco. How to ask for support. How to move through big transitions together. How to take initiative within a small group and shape my Fellow experience. It’s determined much of what I do now as an emerging arts professional and person.”

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