• By: Outreach Fellow

Posted on May 16, 2016

Catching up with former Community Engagement Fellow, Ali Maricich

For the month of May, we’re catching up with some of our past fellows and highlighting what they’ve been up to since their time at CounterPulse. Sound like something you’re interested in? We’re currently accepting fellowship applications for the Fall 2016 session, learn more >>

Ali during her time at CounterPulse

Fellowship: Community Engagement Fellowship, Fall 2015

School and major: Cornish College of the Arts, BFA in Dance

What are you doing now? “I am working/dancing with hers & hers – Melissa Lewis and Courtney King and Maligrad Contemporary Dance Company – Molly Fletcher Lynch. I co-facilitate at the Dalt hotel with Krista DeNio (partnership with Skywatchers and CounterPulse) and am the lead Teaching Artist at Alonzo King LINES Ballet. I’m developing a week-long dance workshop at my old boarding school, Verde Valley School. I am headed into a Pre-Nursing program at SFSU in hopes of becoming a midwife/women’s health practitioner… Dream is to connect dance and health!”

Ali today in hers & hers

What was something you learned in your time at CounterPulse:
“Be patient. Go for what you want. Talk to everyone at CP/Make friends- Community is very very very important.”

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