TecTonic Shifts: A Work-in-Progress Retrospective
  • By: Justin Ebrahemi

Posted on June 14, 2018

Fractured geographies—                                                                                                                                                 invisiblized.
The legacy of redlining Black communities breaths in nefarious ways, surveillance networks tracing displacement and evictions.
The three-finger salute waving farewell as cyber tremors augment.
Landscapes bifurcate like tectonic plates.                                                                                                             We take selfies in the epicenter.
Crop out the blight, the capricious cacophony of sirens.
It’s funny how craned necks obscure peripheral cranes
            #Unsafe #Access.
Urban displacement is trending in cycles.                                                                                                             This condo is so cute!

TecTonic Shifts: Created by daevron & Raissa Simpson’s PUSH Dance Company.

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               A geometry of visuals and dancers in gridlocked projections. The revolving door of access advances then dissipates via use of 3D mapping. This can become a very sharp landscape.

daevron: visual artist, hardware hacker, and digital media developer. Graduate of the Gray Area Creative Coding Program and art director with music+motion mapping collective, We Inventing the Real. 

For TecTonic Shifts (Combustible Residency 2018) daevron pairs with Raissa Simpson’s PUSH Dance Company, an emblem of Raissa’s cross-disciplinary “Reflective Contemporary Choreography” (Dance Spirit Magazine).

In September, daevron & PUSH collide seismic visions of projected collages and tremoring soundscapes through dance and wearable technology.

           In September, we confront our digital




TecTonic Shifts

Sept 13-15 and 20-22, 2018
Thu, Fri, and Sat at 8pm
80 Turk St. San Francisco CA 94102
Thursdays are Pay-what-you-can, reservable online.


As part of a double-bill performance with Deborah Slater/Deborah Slater Dance Theater & John Fesenko in In Civility #2: Outrage Machine

Photo courtesy of PUSH Dance Company

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