Indian folk opera

31 Aug, 2009

Devendra Sharma for Performing Diaspora: “Mission Suhani”- Reflections from India!

2009-08-31T23:34:58-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Devendra Sharma, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Hi friends! I spent last three months living in India, co-writing the new Nautanki performance script for the “Performing Diaspora” with my father-- the renowned Nautanki artist, Pundit Ram Dayal Sharma, I loved my time in India. It was so much fun, and a learning experience, working with my father on this script that focuses on the issue of Indian men living in the U.S., who go back to India to get married to young Indian women and receive huge

2 Jun, 2009

Devendra Sharma for Performing Diaspora: Let us reclaim the respect for the indigenous folk artist

2009-06-02T05:23:01-07:00By |Categories: CounterPULSE, Devendra Sharma, Performing Diaspora|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Colonialism does strange things to a culture. Ignoring one’s own indigenous “ordinary” culture, and blindly imitating others’ “legitimate” culture is one of them. It takes years and a lot of efforts before a culture realizes its self-worth during the post-colonial journey. At present, urban culture in India and Indian diaspora around the world is undergoing this journey. Let me share some of my life and thoughts with you as a rural folk artist from India who, first, migrated to a

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