2009-08-19T10:19:12-07:00By Adia|Categories: Adia Tamar Whitaker, CounterPULSE, Performing Diaspora|Tags: activism, african american women, Afro-Haitian, ampey, art, arts, avant-garde, children's games, community, counter pulse, CounterPULSE, Dance, diaspora, education, emerging artists, emerging arts, folkloric, gender issues, ghana, grassroots, mission, non profit, Performance, performing arts, Performing Diaspora, san francisco, sf, soma, theater|
I didn't get the memo. You know the one that breaks down the ways in which descendants of enslaved Africans have a different (but just as post traumatic stress disordered psychosis) than the descendants of colonized Africans. To be fair, I looked completely different when I've traveled abroad before (I had long hair), AND there is no pronoun for "he"or "she" in Ghanaian language. Word. My bad. Yet and still, I was expecting some kind of Haiti-ish/Southern American Negro/Caribbean stratification