Keith Hennessy
Keith Hennessy, MFA, PhD, is a dancer, writer, choreographer, activist, healer, and teacher. Raised in Atikameksheng Anishnawbek territory in Canada, he has lived in Yelamu/San Francisco since 1982 and tours internationally. Hennessy’s work is interdisciplinary and experimental, motivated by anti-racist, queer-feminist, and decolonial movements. With a focus on the poetics and politics of relationship, Keith’s recent collaborators include Ishmael Houston-Jones, Peiling Kao, Snowflake Towers, Brontez Purnell, Nathaniel Moore, Ryanaustin Dennis, Sarah Crowell, and Gerald Casel. Awards include Guggenheim, USArtist, NY Bessie, Sui Generis, and Isadora Duncan Awards. Hennessy directs Circo Zero and was a member of Contraband, 1985-1994. His writing is widely published in both artist and academic contexts. Additionally, Keith is an affordable housing advocate and Board member of the SF Community Land Trust, working to decommodify housing, one building at a time. Www.circozero.org