Beth Schechter
Beth is a nonprofit consultant specializing in Executive Transitions. She has over 25 years of executive management experience as an executive director of four health and social service organizations in the Bay Area. She also served as Director of Business Development for WestEd and for United Behavioral Health. She has served as a consultant since 2010 providing interim leadership, planning, board governance, and program viability studies. While serving as an interim director she has tackled many staffing, fundraising, board and financial issues while preparing the organization for new leadership. Her interim work has spanned 16 health, social service and cultural organizations, including San Francisco Girls Chorus, Piedmont East Bay Children’s Chorus, East Bay Agency for Children and San Francisco Community Clinic Consortium. She has served on two local theater company boards: Z Space Studio and Counterpulse. She has served on the board of the Friends of Infant Parent Program of UCSF, the Alliance for Nonprofit Management and Kol Shofar in Tiburon. Beth holds a Masters of Public Health and an MBA in organizational leadership.