Remembering Jess Curtis
  • By: Grey Tartaglione

Posted on March 13, 2024

Dearest Community Members,

We’re looking forward to coming together in an evening of community connection tomorrow at INNERSPACE. The value of this opportunity to take time to be together became all the more important as we heard news of the untimely and deeply sad passing of Jess Curtis on Monday, March 11th. 

Jess Curtis is a beloved community member to many of us. As a founding member of 848 Community Space, out of which CounterPulse was born, Jess is an integral part of the legacy and life of our community. 

As I have said before, CounterPulse’s soul is made of the magic of being together. Together with people who feel like family or people we may not encounter otherwise. Jess was a pregenerator and conduit of this magic—bringing so many of us together in countless collective experiences through the amazing work of Jess Curtis/Gravity. Seeing Under the Radar in 2007 was what originally drew me to working in the arts and introduced me to CounterPulse. 

We invite everyone to come in their wholeness as we navigate this unexpected and sad loss. We will have an altar space at the event to hold our communal mourning in remembering Jess, who was meant to be in attendance. I am grateful we have this chance so soon after this news to be together. 

With love,


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